Just Two Good Old Boys

067 Just Two Good Old Boys

May 09, 2024 Gene Naftulyev Season 2024 Episode 67

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Hey, Ben. How are you today?


Hey, Gene, I am running around, but good.


Yeah. So I'm sure people can tell. Hold up, Ben. Are you in the right mic? But you're, we're doing this remote with you today, right?


Yeah, unfortunately we're doing this remote, so.


Yep. Hotel rooms. It is. So we we got a special episode out last time, which we kind of did as a one off on one topic. This is back to our normal format. Get a, a slew of stories.


Yeah, a few of them, and apparently you got one in the mail even.


It's interesting. I, yeah, I mean, I, I, I should probably bring it up. So I saw a postcard in the mailbox that had a FYI. We're letting all the neighbors know there's a known sex predator slash pedophile that moved into your neighborhood that I did look on the map. He's not really all that close to my neighborhood, but,


Mm hmm.


It does bring up


enough he had to notify you,


Yeah, I really wonder how big that circle is. Is it a whole fricking zip code? Is it like a subsection within the zip code that gets the notification? I I've known that this exists. I can't say that I remember ever receiving something like that in the mail before. And what it's got on there is the guy's full name and address, his picture and the crime, at least in the high level that he committed. And the age of the child. It's interesting


Yeah, it's definitely not something you ever want to send out.


No, no, and of course the picture of him is his mug shot, not, you know, a happy smiling go lucky picture of him. So he looks miserable in it. Here I'm, it's a tough one because it really feels like a modern day Scarlet Letter thing. Like part of the punishment for the crime. And you know, I, I think depending on what the circumstances were, and I'll get to why I'm saying that a lot of people would like to just see the death penalty for any kind of sex crimes committed against children and not simply a, a normal incarceration. But creating this extra category of scarlet letter meaning, oh, and by the way, after you've done your time, anywhere you move for the rest of your life. We're going to let all your neighbors know that you're a sex predator.


And not only that, but on that, I mean, you sent me a picture of it, you know, they say high risk.


Yeah. Yeah. Right. What does that mean?


Exactly. I mean, because of the original crime, because of something he did subsequently, I mean,


and I also know back from studying this area of the law that you can be labeled one and have this permanently for the rest of your life. If you were stupid enough to take a piss outdoors while you were drunk, usually, happened to have somebody that was. Under 18. A high school


see you do it. Yep.


now. It does say child, six years old. So I don't think this was one of those cases, but I, I have seen that, you know, the, that law be used for somebody that literally had somebody that was 21 and had their buddies at under 18 you know, be in court compelled to say, yes, I saw this person's dick.'cause he was pissing outdoors. Boom.


It does say, it does.


Oh, did we lose Ben? Ben, if you can hear me, I think we lost you. I'm going to pause the recording until you're back. Alright, Ben's back. Right, it doesn't say right. And it could also be a girlfriend with a kid, not of this guy, who wanted to get back at him for saying he walked around naked in front of my kid. And, boom, there you go. 20 years, and yeah, it's Yeah, which we're not. I literally, like, canceled my Netflix because they're doing pedo shit. And I, again, this is the problem. The law does not dis, discern through its laws the difference between somebody that has a collection of 20, 000 underage kids on their computer, somebody that actually does something physical with a child, and somebody that was stupid and exposed themselves to And honestly, the stupid expose themselves could be either stupid because they thought it was funny to expose themselves or stupid because they weren't thinking they exposed themselves. Now, everybody, every, every guy who's never taking a piss outdoors, raise your hand. I don't see any hands up, dude. Every guy is taking a piss outdoors at some point in their life. You do it daily. So you're potentially exposing yourself all the time, or all it would take is an adult looking over the fence who wants to get back at you and say their kid did as well. So that's my problem with this is the laws don't discriminate between the, the specific actions and they group a lot of actions, which have very different motivation, different consequences, frankly. Into the same category. Mm hmm. Exactly. So, which is, at least they put the age of the kid on there, so you kind of know if it's a bullshit charge, but still, you don't know what exactly happened. And so my question to you, it could be, it could be. And so my question to you is what if we just had the scarlet letter policy for all felonies, period. So every time one of your neighbors within a eight block, 10 block, 20 block, whatever area they use within that radius committed a felony, or at least got sentenced to a felony, you got a notice of it and they would be nonstop. Half your mail would be notifications of your neighbors being felonious. Felonious. And boy, I wonder if people would stop treating felonies all that importantly, or if people would, like, be very careful around their neighbors. Mm hmm. Oh, yeah. Mm hmm. I was trying to swallow a bite here. I was hoping you'd keep talking. I started. Yeah, I started watching it. I mean, I've seen that on Twitter or X before already anyway, so yeah, I guess the deal is He can be sentenced to castration, but if he volunteers to actually have his balls chopped off I don't know if you sent me the same video now There's one video where a black reporter is interviewing people about this and he keeps using the word balls instead of testes Like so if your balls get cut off Yeah, you can tell the guy is very like he's imagining this in his mind. He is, that was a good reporter. The story about it. But the, so my question was, what was the alternative? Was it, Hey, we'll do 50 instead of life to a 50 some year old dude, which is still a life sentence. So there's no difference. So why is he doing this? I mean, you're basically going to be a bitch in prison for the rest of your life. I disagree with you there. Now that is perfectly a voluntary thing. And somebody that is. Of the libertarian mindset should know that, that things like suicide or having your balls cut off is something that only you should be able to agree to and not anybody else do on your part. Mm hmm. I mean, the state's gonna pay for it. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. I can't think of a reason. They certainly didn't bring up a reason in the videos that I've watched about it. So, or why the guy agreed, I'm more curious about that. Frankly, I think the prosecutor's point is like, look, it's 50 years, which means he'll get out in four. Oh yeah. I'm sure. Mm hmm. No. I think those take longer. Yeah. It's a bizarre case for sure. I mean, we do know that that is a standard part of. At least in in some states, there's a standard part of the the child rape penalty is castration. Exactly. Yeah, it's the same thing that they give to kids. Literally the same chemicals when they become quote unquote transgender. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. No. What happened there? Oh, my God. Shit, dude. I might have to sign up then. There's a lot of opportunities for women out there. Mm hmm. They really are going to have to make the draft for both men and women because otherwise there'll be a whole new slew of transgender men who can avoid the draft and qualify for better pay. Of course. What did I say? Did that come out wrong? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Mm hmm. Yeah, I'm not even sure you're allowed to say trans in front of the word woman anymore. Just women with penises What was this? I didn't hear about this. It's not gay to suck it. What is it then? It's true style isn't straight. So it's literally sucking a dick and saying no homo. I don't know man. Sounds pretty gay to me Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's the redefinition of language, to me, that is one of the most egregious crimes that the left is perpetrating, because they are, and this is the fault of the right, frankly, or at least of all parents, not any particular group of parents, is because the education of children Completely has been outsourced. The left has gotten into more positions within that system education. And as a result, we have a whole 20 year long generation of people that have been indoctrinated into this really socialist driven, but ultimately anti American mentality for lack of a better word, which redefines. words on a daily basis to AKA accommodate somebody particular offshoot of socialist mentality. And part of that is absolutely the red, the redefinition of the word woman, which Matt Walsh obviously made a movie about, but it's, it's interesting. It's just as true now. It hasn't. I mean, like there is pushback, but I don't think the pushback has done a whole lot. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's true. I would say that there's a lot more niches within the, the perversion array of sexual interests. So you could probably say that. Yeah. You could certainly say like the, the base sexuality is gay, but then within that, the specific sub genre, if you will, is sex with transsexuals. Cause I suspect the reason that, and he's not the first guy that's dated a transsexual that I've heard say this, but I suspect the main reason they say I'm not gay is because they have zero interest in having sex with men who look like men. They only want to have sex with men that look like men on the bottom and women on top. That's a preference thing. I don't know about why I feel so don't buy that. It's biological. I think it's definitely a preference, but you're you know, it is sort of a third category. If you will. I mean, if somebody doesn't want to have sex with men, but does want to have sex with a particular small segment of men who look like women, I wish man. No, I have not. I, I heard she was, I heard she was mostly hanging out with Alex Jones these days. Nope, that's now gone. That's just purely in our memories, Hope. For those of us that saw that, where she's sitting on Alex Jones lap. Yeah. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. She was. That's right. Sitting right on top of his lap. I remember that distinctly now. Yes. I think he was wearing like a some kind of a white, white dress thing. Oh, and he got drunk and passed out. That was insane, dude. First of all, it is insane to pass out on somebody else's podcast. Okay. That's just crazy. But to do it on that particular podcast. It's almost like, Oh, I've passed out. Take advantage of me. I won't be able to do anything. Everyone's had this experience where they'll pass out, like wanting to get fucked and then there's disappointed when you don't fuck them. Yeah, absolutely. I'm like, Nope, don't need that. Don't need a trail of somebody that can later claim that it was raped. Do you passed out? Then you don't get sex. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Because women are children, you see, and they're incapable of being responsible for themselves except for when they say that they choose to be responsible and then they should be the only ones that are responsible and nobody else should make decisions on their behalf, but the rest of the time they can't be responsible for themselves because they're children. That's the left's ideology. It's the infantilization of women. While at the same time having a fairy princess syndrome, which I guess they do kind of fit together. Princesses don't have to do a whole lot, right? There are men do it all for them. Hell no. Absolutely. Again, this falls into the bucket of like, we are where we are because of failure of parents until a very large extent. And part of that failure is that whole, you know, men treating their young girls like they're princesses. They're not. Never have been, never will be. You're setting them up for a life of disappointment by creating a unrealistic Yeah, absolutely unrealistic expectations all the way through it's, it's not good to do that's what you should be doing is creating aspirational models for them of being successful, not telling them they already deserve everything. And it's just a matter of waiting around until it shows up for them. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's probably true for the most part. There's nothing inherently that would make a woman be incapable of making that path upwards in the corporate ladder. In fact, they get a lot of benefits because the benefits have been mandated, but you do have to realize you can't have your cake and eat it too. Yeah, there's a work gap. It's not a pay gap, it's a work gap. Yeah, neither one should get anything is my position, but yeah. You wanna take time off? Then you don't get paid. Not if I was running things. Yeah, you better think you're dead. Huh. Boy, if I was running things, I'd tell ya. Be pure meritocracy, baby. Hmm. Oh, it wouldn't last very long. No, I wouldn't necessarily realize them because I have delusions of grandeur, but other people would realize them and change them. I would, I would set in place the conditions for somebody to be able to replace me very quickly. Yeah. Yeah. It is it is certainly something that has kept many people thinking in the back of their minds where their gold sculpture is going to be. Yeah. I don't think Abbott was ever going to be the guy that was going to take us anywhere. He, he is very much of a, I don't think he's like a pure Rhino, but he's definitely on the Rhino side of Republicans. He is. Yeah. I think Bush was a little more right on than Abbott, but yeah, yeah, yeah. It makes sense. You know, I, I think again, I've said this before, even a broken clock strikes it has correct twice a day. And so I think there has been some positive stuff coming out of Abbott, but for the most part I really wish we would have replaced him along the last election cycle. It's just, we didn't have a candidate that was. You know, can I carry the vote? Brandon Herrera. Oh, Paxton. Yeah. Yeah. Plus he has two legs so he can stand tall. It wouldn't matter if women didn't have the vote, but since they do, it matters yeah, I, I, I have to say, I haven't heard anything that would make me question Paxton's political standing. I've certainly heard plenty of things that make me like him, but I've not also done a deep dive on him. So maybe there is something in there that. You were and I and maybe others would dislike but so far from what I've seen of him being in his current position I do like what he's been doing. Yep. Mm hmm Yeah, so You got anything else on the topic? Yeah, and that's coming right up. So it's May something Yeah, I can't believe that that complete and utter piece of shit. Gonzalez on CNN acting like a total Democrat. Yeah. Yeah. I saw it is saying Brandon is a white supremacist and people like him used to wear the hoods in dark now they wear them in public and it's like, Jesus, he's more Mexican than this guy, first of all. He's you know, at least proud of the state of Texas. Unlike Gonzalez. Oh, it's amazing. That guy's a total piece of shit. I don't even care what party he's in. He's just a piece of shit. What Republican does that? What Republican calls a guy who is very much ethnically Mexican and probably wouldn't be considered white in some circles, a Klansman. It is defamatory. And I think we're out of Sue regardless. I mean, he's fucking with a commercial image that the guy has, forget about the whole political aspect. If Brandon has stores, multiple stores that he owns, and if people don't go there as a result of him being called a Klansman, that's costing him money. That's absolutely a case. He's got total standing. Oh, I, I won't ever go to his store at this point if he's a Klansman. There you go. Proof recorded. How about you? Would you ever go to his store if he's a Klansman? Proof recorded. There you go. Look at that. A majority of people have chosen not to go to the store because of him being a Klansman. So, yeah, I'd say he's got proof. So I figured out something that totally changing topics here on my watch, that if I disabled GPS, the battery lasts a lot longer, you know, it's a bit of a revelation. Yeah. I already had that set up, but I realized that it was literally running the GPS 24 hours a day for no reason. And I was like, Oh shit, I can change that in my mode to only be on if I'm in the GPS program, which is never. And so I like, I like having the ability to have the watch have a GPS of the map in there, but I don't need to turn down all the fricking time. So that took my battery life from about 14 days to about 25 days. Yeah. I mean, like that's almost just once a month. It's a, it's a little more frequently than that because I, and you know, I think it's a little longer because I've got the solar version of the watch, but still that's a, it's a conservable increase. So it's about a 50 percent increase, no 30 percent increase, 30 40, 35 percent increase in battery life. So I'm pretty happy camper. You you've had your watch for a while now. You still like it. Yeah and it's, you know, it's a fair trade off. It's like, if you don't want the color display and touch screen and all that other jazz I think getting your watch is a lot more bang for the buck. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah. And again, it's about having it there. Not necessarily using it all the time. You've been walking around a lot. You actually even bragged a little bit and sent me a, a thing of your, what was it? 15, 000, 18, 000 steps, whatever it was. Yeah. Damn, that's pretty good. The only time, I mean, I'm being totally honest here. The only time that I get over 10, 000 steps a day is when I'm traveling somewhere, either vacation or work. But if I'm traveling, I'm walking around a lot more. Everything's too convenient at the house. Mm hmm. Daily. Yeah, mine's like two to three. Which explains a few things. It's just, let's leave it at that. Yeah. Mm hmm. And I do like that. It updates the goals every day to be based on what your past goals and like, if you keep beating your goal multiple days, it ups your goal moving forward. So I, I do like that feature, even though I don't necessarily use it on a regular basis. Mm hmm. That's pretty damn good. I mean, there's nothing magic about the number 10, 000. It's just a round number. So. Exactly. Which is interesting because I, I always in my mind, every time we talk or even if we're not, you know, if we're just texting, my mind picture of you is just sitting back and sucking on the hookah every, every time I get a text from you, I'm like, Oh, he's sucking on the hook again. Yeah, no, I know. You're kind of fidgety. I know. Yeah. Yeah. Just drinking double Turkish coffees, nonstop. That stuff is so good. You like Turkish coffee? Mm hmm. Very good. So, should we get into the whole Middle East area of conversational topic? So aside from all the stuff that's happening here in the States with the protests, which I, I find it fascinating that all the things that the U. S. officials were predicting happening in Russia are happening in the U. S. It, the even, even if you take that perspective, even if you, yeah, there, there is a lot of stuff going on, but yeah, I was watching a video yesterday of somebody just. Walking around in the evening and St. Petersburg and going to listen to music and getting coffee. There, there's really no, it looks like the U S is the one that's at war. There's, there's nothing that would indicate that there's a war going on in Russia. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Nah, probably not. The left has a problem. The left has a problem because the left is very hugely invested in Israel. Yeah. That's why it's a problem for the left because the older liberals out there were always the ones that were heavily on the side of the left. You know, getting, getting the, the, the Jewish support and then having Israeli tie ins like that was a lefty point for a long time where the Republicans just, for the most part, wanted to not have any wars, like Republicans were trying to just, can't we all just get along kind of shit. And now the Republicans are all very gung ho I shouldn't say all the Republicans, but certainly a majority of the Republicans are very gung ho to support Israel. And the Democrats are like, shit, what do we do? Because everybody under 35 on the left is chanting from the river to the sea. And so they, they have to do full 180. Very quickly, if they want to keep their base, but then they are going to pay financially for that, or they're they're going to have to deal with their base, not agreeing with them. So the left has a bigger problem on this than the right. The right has some problem on this as well. I don't want to just say the right is in good shape here, but that's not the case, but there, there is a very high potential for a a protest vote. Coming from the younger left long term. Yeah, I totally agree. And that's a good thing. That's a good thing. Exactly. I mean, oh, yes. Yes. Clearly. I'm the massage here. Yes. Yeah. Just just whatever cartoon villain of choice. That would be me. Yes. Oh my God yes, that's because I, I lack those Arab genes to give me a hook nose. That's true. Yeah, the, yeah, and the, the, the, I think the ironic thing is if you look at the cartoon Nazi propaganda, the guys in Turkey look a hell of a lot more like the Jews depicted in that cartoon than actual Jews in Europe. But yeah, there's, there's definitely a. A longterm problem for the, for the Democrats to figure out, which doesn't necessarily mean they're not going to still steal elections. I still have a lot of confidence in their ability to do that, even if they've got some domestic problems that they're working on. But Hey, speaking of senior Democrats, what about, what's his face getting robbed in San Francisco, Adam Schiff, the chickens, they is coming home to roost in San Francisco. I think probably cause they have a 20 year contract. I think they do. There are a lot of long term conferences. They get great deals if they're willing to sign for five years or longer. It's true. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. I've never been to RSA. I've only gone to like DEFCON and, and other security events that are outside of RSA. San Francisco like, ShmooCon. You ever go to ShmooCon? Yeah. I always liked the, the, the smaller, tighter atmosphere of ShmooCon versus DEF CON. Mm. Mm hmm. Yeah. And I always, one of the things I always love to do is just find interesting license plates or, and, or bumper stickers in the parking lots of security events, because security people are notorious for wanting to meme the On their cars. I mean, all it people are, but I think the it security guys go the extra route. I'm after his next conference. You go to just take a, take an extended walk through the parking lot. You'll be amazed how many custom plates there are that people have paid for. And the cheaper ones just get bumper stickers, but. All of them are basically like insider memes. They're poking fun at shit that the average, average person won't get. I don't remember them. Do you want to tell people what they are? Right? Oh yeah. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah, and that's the other thing. Have you seen the high percentage of these, these agitators that are wearing masks? I don't know, man. They look pretty messed up to me. Yeah, okay, speaking of masks and protecting anonymity, what about the the fake FBI far right protesters? Patreon. com. The best, one of the best photos of that, sorry to jump in. One of the best photos that I saw was two side by sides. One of the guys walking through. Let's see, let me look if it's the same one they're at. But they're basically on the one side. Yeah, that's the one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where, where it's the FBI standard uniform just happens to be exactly the same as the Patriot front uniform, except that the word FBI is obviously missing on the Patriot front guys. So a bunch of guys all in their twenties shirt. Yeah. Blue shirts and khakis. I mean, it's like, come on. I called it out right away. No legitimate conservative group is going to have no fat guys in it. It's just impossible and ain't going to happen. And so when you see something like that, where everybody's in shape, you're like, okay, okay this is clearly not a real group. This is a, a government created for whatever reason. The reason doesn't even matter, but it's clearly. A group of people that whose job it is, is to be there, not their hobby. Yeah. Pretty much. I know. Right. Huh. And then where I was leading with that is speaking of masks is, so they're wearing balaclavas basically, they're, you know, very well covered. Their face and then you have the shot of the group being arrested where they're all on their knees with their wrists tied up with zip ties and they're all still wearing masks. Oh, okay. That's convenient. Except the leader. Okay. There you go. He's the face of the group. Yeah. And they're such a small group that they literally have to fly from city to city to do their march. Like there's not a chapter in each city. This, this, this is one group of dudes. That flies all over the country, to walk around with flags, with the FBI uniforms. And, mm hmm, mm hmm. I didn't even notice that. Mm hmm, mm hmm, mm hmm, mm hmm. It's upside down. So it's a sign of distress, if people don't know that's what an upside down version of the flag is. Which I can't argue with that, the US is definitely in distress. I mean, everybody ought to be flying their flags upside down right now. They should be. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't know. I mean, it just hits so many questionable meme able points when you have a group of Watching to a drummer there, there, none of them are fat dudes. They're all in decent shape. They're all white men. I didn't see a single black dude amongst the group. And now there might be his bags. I don't know, but it just, it's too convenient. They're almost like they're so easily labelable that there's no way it can't be a setup group. So yeah, it's, it's nuts. Yeah, yeah, they are walking meme. You're absolutely right. Yeah, not you lived in Idaho for a while You've seen a few similar group types Self created up there any of them have no fat dudes Yeah, and and again, that's because fat guys have the same attitudes. Hey now, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey God damn it Uhhuh. Yes. Hey, here's how I break the memes. I'm not running Linux currently, so otherwise I would be the absolute fucking meme. I mean, I've, I've run Linux plenty. It's just Linux game has just been so horrible that, that I just finally stopped bothering. We've had this Yeah, you, I, I'm almost tempted to get a Linux box set up with a video, like a real video card just to test it out because I don't, I hate deal booting shit. It's just asking for trouble. So I think what I'm gonna do is when I buy my next gaming pc, which maybe this month potentially, I don't know yet that I'd have to do the math. I mean, this month would be the time to do it because my birthday is this month, but also I'm, I'm going to be younger every single year. I've started counting backwards at this point. So eventually our ages will crisscross. That's how, that's how it works. No, go ahead and go ahead. And I'm, I'm, I'm doing the Milton Berle thing. Yeah. Milton Berle. Uh, actually I think he's, he didn't go backwards. He stopped at 29 and every year was his 29th birthday. That's not a bad year. I, I kinda liked my 29th year. That was a good year for me. Had a lot of exciting things happening. I got married when I was 29. So you got married at 29. Oh, I didn't know that. Mm. Okay. Mm-Hmm? That dude. Yeah, that's true. Mm-Hmm? Mm-Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. I, I mean these days mostly the, it's the third marriage that seems to work better for most guys. Just. Yeah, western women. Yeah. No, huh. Huh. Let's see. Oh, did you hear Rob Reiner? Promised to set himself afire if Trump gets elected. Huh. Yeah I mean, I'm just like I didn't know meatloaf could burn. It's I guess it's the the stupidity that comes out of Hollywood's mouth And beyond even this lefties, like, I, I don't know why I'm the one of the, I'm not the only one, but I'm one of very few people that puts actors into a category just below prostitutes in the grand order of things. Like these people make a living off of their mental illness. If you want to be a good actor, somebody that is believable in portraying multiple people, that is because you have a mental illness. A normal person cannot do that, but if you're wired just a little bit screwy, you can do that and be a great actor. And that's okay. Like there, people can have mental illness. I'm okay with that. However, when those same people start telling the rest of us about important topics like physics or politics no, feel free to ignore that advice. And yet plenty of people listen to, you know, actors or musicians like Taylor Swift. Yeah. I agree. And I honestly, you know, they're the guys that are the conservative actors like Kevin Sorbo. He's this guy. He's not a very good actor, you know, in the movies he's done Hercules. Yeah. I mean, like, dude, come on that it's, yes, it's acting in the sense that he had to memorize writing you know, scripts that somebody wrote kind of, it's not a whole lot of words there to memorize, but it's Yeah. There's nothing great about it. Then you look at somebody like, uh, Tom Hanks, who I think is absolutely a great actor, but he's also crazy and he's demonstrated that multiple times. Yeah. Did you, did you watch it past one episode? Cause most people didn't. Okay. They're not very good. Yeah. You, you are definitely nerdy. That's for sure. And it's not an insult. It's a description. Star Trek. Yeah. How far along are you? Because you've mentioned that once before. Okay. All right. So you've gotten, you're almost done then. I say discovery. It was one of my favorite series of the Star Treks. No, I, I, I like discovery. No, I like it. Oh, no, no, no. Yeah. Yeah. No, sorry. You're right. Strange new worlds is what I'm thinking of. Yes. Not discovery. No, no, no. Strange new worlds. You're absolutely right. Right, right, right. Yeah. Yes. Strange new worlds. I think they did a very good job with. I was pleasantly surprised. Really? Yeah. Yeah, I, you know, who I think did gay will in the Star Trek is the Seth McFarlane, Seth McFarlane thing. What's it called? It's not Star Trek. It's, uh, Orville. Yeah. Yeah. Like I think Orville did gay pretty well. Would you, have you not seen Orville? The black dudes, the two, the, yeah, the, the alien species that only has males. And then it turns out they actually do have females, but they kill them all. Uh, now they do. They didn't, they used to just kill them all. But anyway, it was, it was interesting. Cause I thought that the, the portrayal not the acting portrayals, but the way the characters were written seemed a lot more to the gay guys that I actually know, or, you know, like personality wise, like they were, they didn't stop. I know more than one. I'll tell you that. I live in Austin, but yeah, yeah, really well. Like they don't stop being men because they're gay, unlike the gay guys that there are. The stereotype is a very effeminate gay guy, but for every gay guy who is feminine, there's a gay guy who you would be surprised was gay. And those are like, those two are the ones that end up hooking up. And so, a lot of, a lot of the the very typical kind of male attitudes still are expressed by gay dudes just as much. I think that the trans one, you know, people are the ones that kind of screw with the stereotype. I don't know. I don't know, dude. I, I've had like one of my best friends in high school was a gay dude and everybody knew he was gay, even though he was pretending not to be. And then as soon as he gets to college, then he comes out of the closet and it's like, dude. Everybody knew you were gay in high school, even if you weren't fucking dudes, it was pretty obvious you were going to be fucking dudes. So I don't know. That was a it was a different time. You literally took a word out of my mouth. It was a different time. But like he, I think he was such a stereotypical gay guy. Like his, his parents, one of them had a sob and the other one that had a Volvo and they were definitely NPR listeners. Like, what do you expect? Come on. Clearly the kid of that couple is going to be gay. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. No. And I, I remember there was, uh, like most of the parents of my friends were on the conservative side, but these guys were the, one of the exceptions, they were the very stereotypical eighties liberals, right? Mm hmm. Yeah. Mm hmm. I mean you mean anarchist youtubers, you know, Tim's not is is anarchist adjacent He's got a lot of friends that are that are in this Yeah, I I'm of two minds on this. I think obviously it sucks that's happening However, I do think that is fully within the it's been that for a long time, but it's fully within the rights of a private company to periodically review the content that they're hosting and to adjust the publication thereof. So I think it's something YouTube absolutely has the right to do. It's unfortunate that they're doing it for these particular episodes, but you can't, you know. And getting, getting a lot of flack for doing that. He can't because his audience is on YouTube. That's the problem for Tim is it's not just that he's willing to comply. It's that he knows he's the biggest conservative live streamer on YouTube, on the whole damn network. Like nobody has more viewers. No, no, I don't know because his audience I like I'm in his discord, you know, cuz I pay money every month So I've talked to a lot of these guys. I've had debates. I'm absolutely the oldest Oh, at any given point, probably about a hundred, not, not a whole lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But these, you know, like any, any group, the interaction is limited to a small number of people. And I, and I haven't done this for a while, but probably about a year ago, I was going in there pretty regularly and I was getting on voice channels and discord and having conversations. So a couple of things. One is. I was always the oldest guy in the room. Always every time. And I'm not that old. I'm old ish and too. When I've, yeah when I would start to bring up facts about shit from the eighties, from the nineties, a lot of these guys just had no idea of what was there. Like forget ancient history. They don't know recent history. And, and they would get quiet and listen to me telling him shit. Then that was actually kind of fun. I enjoyed that aspect of it, but it was, yeah, he's telling a story, this story time, get, get your marshmallows and yeah, of the eighties. Yeah. That's about what it was. So I, I thought it was kind of fun, but also like that audience is not going to rumble. I can tell you that right now. They might go to Twitch, but Twitch is more woke than YouTube. But they will not go to rumble if they fix their platform and make it so that it's literally a knockoff of Twitter or YouTube or Twitch or YouTube. Yes. If they do it the way it is right now, which is very inconvenient because they're, they basically they've knocked off Facebook, right? So it's like a scrolling list of shit. Yeah. You should be able to just click on something and have it just stuck in the background until you get rid of it. And, and I should be able to play more than one of these fucking things at the same time without having them turn each other off. So there's a lot of UI related work that needs to get done and hopefully we'll get done if Musk comes along. If Elon Musk ever shows up on his show, you know, something's in the works. Elon's been showing up on a lot of small people's podcasts, man. Let me, I'll pull out some, you keep talking, I'll find some copies. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah it's easy for him to go on Rogan because he literally has a house here. Not very often, no, but he did just lay off a thousand people at the factory. So, oh yeah. That's a stiff kick in the balls. Mm-Hmm. No. No. No, because'cause that doesn't make any money for the government. It's a wealth tax. It, it's the shit that JCD has been talking about for a long time. Mm-Hmm. Mm-Hmm. No. Mm-Hmm. Mm-Hmm. That's assuming that you're getting that level of return. Yeah. And, and just the bigger impact is long term is because you have to pay that money. Now, even if you don't rec, realize that. That profit, so that means taking money out or, you know, or saving money to pay the taxes, which is effectively just not putting more money in. So instead of putting money into the 401k, yes, but that's my point. So if you look at the projections, like if you put in. 10, 000 a year into a 401k after 10 years, you will have 280, 000 or whatever the numbers are. Now because of this, all of those formulas that are used to sell people on putting money away are broken because if money isn't put in, that would be put in otherwise, because now it's being used to pay taxes. That means instead of. An average person being able to doing this for 30 years or 35 years and retire with a million dollars in savings, they're not going to retire with 220, 000 in savings. Like, they're, they're breaking the long term savings model by taxing on unrealized gains. Yep. Oh, just, just wait until they include property taxes in this, in this rate formula. They're not property tax and property values. So, Now, you're already paying property taxes, but now the federal government's also going to be looking at saying look, your net worth grew by 200, 000 because your house is now worth 200, 000 more. So you have to pay 20 percent of that 20, 000 that you haven't sold the house. You haven't recognized it, but now you have to pay it. And like you said, if the house then two years later drops by 200, 000 okay, too bad. You can't take that as a loss. It's an up, it's a total upside for the government. Absolutely. And the whole industry of professionals is going to be making a lot of money on that. I mean, you got, on the one hand, you got the court saying Mar a Lago is only worth 10, 000 and Trump lied. I know, but it, the point is it's like undervalued by a factor of a hundred. So, and then, you know, you, you're likely to have a different court in a different jurisdiction at the same time, then sue Trump for not paying enough. Yeah. In taxes, because it's worth way more than that. Like, it's a no win situation. We are fast, and like, acceleratingly fast, approaching a Brazil style, 1984 style, complete dystopia in the United States. Already has. China. Yeah, Japan's the only country left that is still heavily investing in the U. S. How are you going to do that? You can't take out more than 200 at a time. Which they can be confiscated by the U. S. government very easily. Believe me, I've got foreign assets sitting out there and I'm not touching shit. I don't want any paper trail. Yeah. Oh, you can move it out. It's the getting it back in that's the problem. Oh, you're on that bandwagon. Okay. Okay. Cause two weeks ago you were telling me like, where do you go? There's no place to go. U S the best country. Yeah. That's the people running from. Yeah. It really fucks with the, as usual, the middle class because guys like Elon Musk can always figure out a way to shelter when you, when you can spend. Yeah, exactly. Mm hmm. Exactly. Now, I think most people would, would be completely shocked if they had to pay a 25 percent sales tax on the sale of a house like that already would break the system, but imagine having to pay that money, not during the sale of a house, but during the occupation of a house. Yeah. Oh, we were praised that your house is more now because why not? And now you owe us a check for, oh, half your income for the year. Okay. Pay up or go to jail. Debtors, it's coming, baby. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. No, no. Yeah. I mean, to be fair, we are looking at worst case scenarios. Yeah. Probably something worse is coming. I don't know, man. It's a, I don't think people. In politics, live in reality anymore. I think they're completely in fairy land and the show, you remember the show deep? I love that show. Julia Dreyfuss was great in that. And I think that is a lot closer to what our governments or politicians in general are acting. I. Oh, you never watch. Oh, you should. It is very good. It is. I would, I mean, I would not say it's a conservative show, but I think it portrays the left incredibly poorly or accurately like it. It makes them look bad. So without necessarily making the right look good, but it's very anti politician in general. The writing is top notch. The acting is pretty good, but it doesn't have to be good. It just has basically every character is neurotic. Every single character in politics is neurotic that they have. And there are some stereotypes. Oh, of course. Of course. Of course. And did you see the, did you, did you see my response to, so he posted a photo on X of him sitting in an airplane and saying, yep, flying back to my response. Huh. Yeah. And I got, I got some people really liking that comic because like I've flown enough miles in my lifetime in airplanes that I can recognize. To see in an airplane pretty easily. Like I know exactly what seat is sitting in. It's a seven 37. I know exactly which seat that is. It is. It was for this flight. That is not a regional jet. And if you look at the photo, you'd see it's not a regional jet. No, what do you mean? I'm folding the half tray. He is in first class. He's absolutely in first class. That's why it's seat two C. Absolutely. No, I've sat in that seat plenty of times, dude. I know what it looks like. No, no, it's, you can see by the size of the seats, it's not a regional jet. I don't know. Who's the, what is San Antonio hub for? Probably that. They've got to be for something. Okay. I don't know, man, it'd be American. You should come down to his next event and ask him, but I know you know what I missed while I was. So on Sunday. So right after our normal time to record this show there was a meetup that was happening that I missed cause I didn't find out about it until later. But I had the time to go cause we didn't even do a show. So yeah, in Austin, Luke was here and he was meeting up with Alex Jones and he invited his supporters to come out and hang out. And I missed it. I wish I would have known beforehand, dude, the kidding. I just, I was going through my email catching up because I usually don't check it during the weekend. And sure enough, there's a message from Luke saying location and discord just for paid members. Come and join us to hang out with Alex Jones. We're going to hike around Austin. Now it was raining that day, so I don't know how fun it would have been to go and do that, but I guess they did a hike out here in Austin. They were, they walked through, it was like a moving meetup could have gotten my 10, 000 steps in. So, yeah, yeah, exactly. But yeah, so, you know, last time I got enough early warning that I came out and did the meetup with Luke, but didn't, didn't notice this one until after it happened. Oh so if any, if anybody in Austin went to it, let us know. Although I kind of doubt they're listening. Hey, we got, we got some folks to thank as well. It's been a while since we mentioned. Yeah. So do you want to run through those? Okay. I don't either, but I just remembered before we finish up, we should probably say thank you. So yeah. And look, nobody's donating huge amounts of money, but that's, that's okay because the way we were set up is actually. Yeah, it's a negative hosting bill, which is great, but we have plenty of other expenses. Plus our hosting bill might go up in, in in adding additional functionality to the service that I'm testing out right now. Basically using them to do all the AI based chapters and transcripts and all that crap, which costs a little extra money. So keep donating folks. It's keep, keep donating. Yeah, exactly. So you, uh, yeah. So basically Ben hasn't had to pay a bill for a while because it's we've been positive two months. I looked two months, I looked and, and the previous month before that you paid four bucks. So it's, you know, exactly. And I'm still paying for the tools, but. Either way. It's we appreciate you guys. It's in some ways symbolic, but in other ways it's not symbolic. It's, these are not big amounts, but if we have a zero cost to do the podcast, it just makes it that much easier for us to do it without. Ever thinking, oh man, I'm spending time and money to do this and no one gives a shit. So when people sign up for the recurring monthly donations, even with small dollar amounts it, it helps us both know that there are people that appreciate listening to the podcast, appreciate knowing that what we're doing is not just a phone call between the two of us, even though this is how it started, but is actually something they enjoy listening and also Covering those bills means that Ben doesn't even have a hit on his credit card then the month, which is good. That's the best you can, after I just talked for three minutes talking about the benefits of it, you're like, yep, I'll take the money. Yeah. Yeah, and, and if you keep denying guys, maybe we'll get enough to take money out and buy Ben a real microphone set up for when he travels. Oh, no. I thought, isn't, isn't that why you bought that little mic that like the Yeti or whatever? So you could lug it, which the Yeti still sounds way better than. Then what this is on. Yeah. Yeah. I know. Honestly, what you ought to be is we, we need to get your motif fixed. So that's your main box and then you can permanently leave the Yeti. In the suitcase, you mean? No. Yeah. Okay. Then let's do the show on the regular basis. It's one or the other, bud. It's one or the other. I warned you about rescheduling. Then I don't actually reschedule if you remember correctly. I still stick to the time, but either way what else we got? We got a few minutes left and then we should wrap it up. Oh, okay. So we're doing an ad for Palmetto Armory. I wish it was. There you go. There you go. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. It's pretty good. What calibers did you get? Okay. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Oh, you should get one of those Garmin ones that'll work with your watch. Uh I haven't looked at it. How much are they? Is that normal? Okay. I didn't know they were that cheap. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm. Nice. Okay. Is it hollow point or what is it? Oh, okay. Mm hmm. Yeah. Mm hmm. And this is factory fresh. Mm hmm. Okay. And so it's not bulk, it's boxed ammo? Mm. I actually kind of prefer the bulk because there's less crap to throw away. Bye Yeah, yeah, mm hmm. That's the way to do it. That's good to know and that's through Palmetto Armory, right? Or Palmetto State. Yeah. Yep. Yep. AAC did not have a very good reputation like years ago Yeah, I wonder what they bought like what kind of assets they got in that deal Is that all they got so they just they didn't get the Oh, okay. That makes a lot of sense, son. I like the Palmetto state guys. I think they got their heads on straight. Good. You should get like a nine millimeter and test that and make sure that that. Also works really well or, or whatever other cartridge. I, cause it's, you know, maybe it's just the 308s that are good. I I'm kind of holding off on any more ammo buying for a while. I've kind of bought a lot over the last year or so, and I'm not been burning it very fast. So I think I'm holding off. It's, yeah, it's not quite that much. I think they're charging about half. Cause if you look at like a federal gold match, that's easily double the price of the IWI 308s. Oh, I bought, really? I bought it for like one 10. I bought a shit ton of rounds. Yeah. I just never buy that shit. That's just crap ammo. Yeah. And how does it compare to the guys that took like two months to make your ammo? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah, that's, that's a plus. And I think there is a benefit to just standardizing which is a reason just by a lot of rounds all at the same time on standardizing one brand, because then you can kind of tune in your rifle ideally to one. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. True. Yeah, when you have multiple guns all shooting at the same target, accuracy doesn't matter as much. So, I got a new non gun, which I haven't I haven't shot yet, non gun, a non, non firearm, a new non firearm that I haven't shot yet, which, which, which is got an integrated compressor, compressor, integrated suppressor. And 30 caliber gun. Exactly. It's an air rifle. So I finally got it. It's it's been. Yeah, I shipped exactly shipped to my house when they finally built them. So I've been waiting for this thing for about three months and it is a high end 30 caliber air gun capable of shooting small animals. At least that's the marketing. Bigger than the squirrel. I'll tell you that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Distance is absolutely at point blank. No, that's very true. But I wanted for a while. Do you have something that didn't require, um, power, like something that was capable of operating, even if I run out of ammo, which is highly unlikely, given how much ammo I have. But nonetheless, I do have to have projectiles. That's that but you can actually make the projectiles using X. Yeah, no, just let projectiles. Exactly. However, as I'm starting to realize. Yeah, those are super cheap on Amazon, but what I'm, I'm, I probably will buy one, but I probably will never use it. Because the, the projectile, like the variance in the number of companies and models of projectiles for these things are just as much as firearms. It's freaking amazing. Like there's a whole industry here that I wasn't aware of. And that they have hollow points. They have a hard tipped. They have all kinds of rounds. Yeah. Cause they can't have real guns. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And incidentally, when we're talking about air rifles, this is not like your grandparents, Daisy gun. It's not airsoft, but it's also not a Daisy rifle. This thing is sending a 30 caliber projectile at subsonic and close to supersonic speeds without using. And explosion just compressed air. Now there is a downside obviously to using compressed air. And that is if you want to shoot more than one round, you got to carry that air with you in its compressed state. And the compressed state is about 3000 pounds per square inch. So it's highly compressed air. It's like scuba compressed air, not paintball compressed air. The other thing is. Your compressor is a couple of hundred bucks on Amazon. Your backup compressor is basically a high pressure bicycle pump, which probably takes about 20 minutes to fill that tank up of non stop exercising. So maybe it's a good way to exercise. You know, there's do your cardio for the day, fill up your tank. And the tank will only shoot a limited number. And that number is under 20 rounds before you got to fill it up again. So there it's definitely not a great replacement for. A firearm, which you can carry as much ammo as you want and shoot all that ammo without having to do anything. It's definitely not. It's a hunting, it's a purely hunting type weapon that could be used defensively and if somebody breaks into your house for sure, but it's it's not, it's kind of, I know, right. It's kind of like a black powder gun that you mentioned. It's kind of like the black powder gun you mentioned, right? You can buy the, the free. I don't even know what they're called because I don't have any of these, but basically they're modern ways to still do black powder. So you've, you put it in a little cartridge. Yeah. The point is it's not powder anymore. You put it in a little cartridge and then you put you and like the bullet fits right on that little cartridge. And then you hold, you load the whole thing in through the breach. So there is no muscle loading involved anymore. It's breech loaded, but I, I guess somehow because you're not, it's really more akin to a shotgun shell than it is to a. A traditional, normal case ammo, really? I, yeah, so it's like you can buy a black powder rifle, which is breach loading rather than muzzle loading. And the way that the powder slash cap is put in, is in a little cartridge rather than as independent pieces that you would. Put in there to have a super slow firing rifle. So it's not going to win any speed contests compared to a normal firearm, but it's way faster than a muzzleloader ATF rules are beyond stupid. Absolutely. That's always been the case. Did you know they had a new rule just came out? That's rule two zero two two R dash zero nine. No, this, this just, just came out yesterday or yeah, yeah, it's a new proposed rule that just came out. So they're, they're in the 60 day period or 90 day period, whatever it is. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So it's part of the bipartisan safer communities act that was passed by rhinos, like a Gonzalez So I haven't dug into it, but it's, uh, supposed to bring CFRs into compliance with USC, not really. I I'm I've only skimmed the rule. I haven't fully read it. It's a we call it all right, let me pull it up. Jesus Christ. Or make me read it live. Ah, sample of information background. It's a lot of pages of bull shit here. Okay. Direct final rule neck and neck amendments. Okay. That's really say much. Um, Yeah, it makes it unlawful for a person to transfer or receive a firearm or ammunition or attempt to conspire to do so knowingly or having reasonable cause to believe that it will be used to commit any felony. So yeah, I mean, it's, it, it looks like it's a, a further definition or a rule from the, ATF on what constitutes a gun sale. Yeah. So anyway, I'm sure there'll be more info out about it. As most of these things tend to be very heavily skewed in the minimizing people's right to have guns department, which is ironic because you would think that the The organization whose mission is to is to enforce laws relating to a particular area. You would think they would be like the ones that are focused on gun training and on making sure people don't inadvertently break laws, but instead they're in the business trying to disarm Americans. It'd be kind of like, so let me just put the analogy out there. So it'd be kind of like the park service and their job would be to keep people out of parks. Oh, yeah, yeah, agreed. Yeah. I I think it's nuts, but anyway, this is why we need guys like Brendan Hero in Congress is we need to shut down the ATF, the ATF does not need to exist federal enforcement for the collection of taxes. Yeah. But let's, let's start with something concrete and I, out of all the different agencies and I know everyone's got their own opinion on the worst agency of the bunch. But I will happily pick the ATF as the number one worst agency again, let's, let's not reach for the star. Let's not talk about going to Mars before we've ever been to the moon. Okay. Oh, I see what you're saying. I, the problem with that is I think that's called an unfunded mandate when you tell the state you need to collect the taxes and then send them to us, which is why it's never going to happen. I know, I know, I know. Again, look, I, I appreciate a lot of the libertarian slash anarchist thoughts and I very much would love to see that happen. However, I'm a little more of a pragmatist and I tend to want to look at things that are achievable in our lifetime. And that just theoretically possible. And abolishing the ATF, I think that getting rid of one agency, if people just focus on that one thing is a lot more achievable than coming up with a law that is actually passed, which removes the federal government's ability to collect taxes. Even though I would support it. I just think one is more achievable than the other faster. That's true, but it's a much bigger agency than the ATF. And consequently, I think there'll be a lot. More of an uphill path that is being bitterly fought against to remove the FBI than the ADF. ATF is a niche thing. Most people don't give a shit one way or the other. Whereas the FBI, there's a lot of people that are sort of what I would refer to as the soft conservatives. That think all law enforcement is good. They generally vote conservative, but they also are very much, you know, in support of laws and supportive of having agencies. So anyway, we're going to wrap it up. Hopefully we'll get back to our normal time at some point here and you could be on the better quality microphone. I'd love to see you back on the 320, man, the difference in sounds is night and day.

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