Just Two Good Old Boys
We never mean any harm!
Just Two Good Old Boys
103 Just Two Good Old Boys
Ever wondered what a mix-up about the day of the week could lead to? Strap in for a rollercoaster of political intrigue, light-hearted humor, and thought-provoking analysis in our latest episode. We kick things off with a humorous tale about a co-worker's stomach woes, segueing into a heated debate surrounding Ross Ulbricht's release and Trump's controversial moves affecting the libertarian community. From there, we navigate the tricky waters of executive orders and the Supreme Court's role, questioning whether certain justices truly align with conservative values.
Now, let's journey into the realm of hypothetical geopolitics. We consider the whimsical idea of the United States annexing Greenland and parts of Canada and muse over California, Washington, and Oregon potentially joining British Columbia. A personal adventure to Canada offers a glimpse into past border security's leniency, contrasting today's stringent measures. Amidst this geopolitical musing, we also touch on the rising popularity of survival food kits and the latest innovations in the world of firearms, particularly the buzz around Personal Defense Weapons (PDWs).
Finally, we tackle the complexities of global political conspiracies and alliances. From NATO's perceived financial burdens to the socio-political dynamics involving liberal white women, our discussion spans a wide range of topics. We also touch on the strained dynamics within NATO, the potential for shifts in alliances, and the societal impacts of high-profile celebrity relationships. Join us as we wrap up with a look at the changing landscape of U.S. immigration policy and the implications of Trump's bold strategies, along with a humorous nod to our efforts at increasing listener engagement.
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Howdy Ben, how are you Doing? Well, Gene Yourself.
Speaker 2:I'm all right.
Speaker 1:No Monday.
Speaker 2:You know how it goes.
Speaker 1:What.
Speaker 2:You know busy, busy Catching up after the weekend Did you say Monday, it's Friday.
Speaker 1:That's what I meant. I mean, I know unrelenting, relented today.
Speaker 2:But you know, come on yeah, I don't know what's up with Darren. I think he's got nervous stomach issues going on or something. It seems like every time we need to do a show he's got both ends on the toilet well, that is more information than I needed to know my friend.
Speaker 1:Well, we hope he gets better. Yeah, we do.
Speaker 2:Well, that is more information than I needed to know, my friend.
Speaker 1:Well, we hope he gets better. Yeah, yeah, we do, or he stops eating foods that don't agree with him. Yeah, something Get better. Darren, we feel for you, but come on, man, I need my weekly dose of unrelenting that's right, you're a listener, I am.
Speaker 2:I listen to that podcast, usually not by the time you want me to you don't listen to this podcast, but you listen to that one.
Speaker 1:Why would I listen to my own podcast? I'm not that big of a narcissist. My question is why would you listen to anything but Okay hey?
Speaker 2:Trump freed Ross Ulbrichtbrich. Yes, he did. How about that? Pirate roberts is free yeah, I I'm not sure where it came from, but I I agree with that judgment oh, it was a promise he made at the libertarian convention really?
Speaker 1:yep, you mean all those fuckers that didn't work for him correct but he kept it he made the promise and kept it amazing how that goes, isn't it? Well so far. It's pretty amazing how many promises trump is keeping. You know it's, it's. It's truly is special to uh watch what he's doing so far, because holy crap is, there was definitely a plan, shit was pre-done and they are executing, and very, very prejudicially executing.
Speaker 2:Imagine, if he does executive orders every single day of the presidency, what the left is going to do.
Speaker 1:Well, hopefully he doesn't do that, because I think he'll quickly run out of things that he has power to uh power to do. But and you saw the judge that uh already slapped down the birthright citizenship doesn't matter, it's in washington state well, it matters because it's setting up. It's setting up the the court battle that this was wanted. You know, I don't think Trump was under any illusion.
Speaker 2:The Ninth Circuit, seriously, I mean, everybody knows that they're smoking pot.
Speaker 1:Right, but my point is this now will go to the Supreme Court, and I don't think that anyone thought that this executive order would just stand on its own, and but this is. They played right into Trump's hand as far as getting it to the Supreme Court the Supreme.
Speaker 1:Court to decide and they're not being an argument, because the previous Supreme Court ruling on it, you know, was, in my mind mind, bullshit, especially if you look at the debates around how the amendment was drafted and ratified. The congressman that put the amendment in said that this had no intention of making birthright citizenship. It was just to clearly and sweepingly give anyone citizenship who had been a slave, and it should have just been an amendment granting that. But you know, yep, but that's not what they did and courts interpret shit wrong all the time they do.
Speaker 2:And I think if we take well, if it doesn't matter what we do if the supreme court takes the same line of history and tradition, then trump's gonna win they should, yes, and this would be the same sort of overturning that chevronference was, which would be fantastic in a lot of ways.
Speaker 2:Well, this country has had many activists, supreme court judges over the last 200 years, yep, and a lot, of, a lot of uh law was created by SCOTUS uh, which had no business creating law. It should just be interpreting, and hopefully the current court can start rolling more of this back, although Amy Coney Barrett's going to bite them in the ass, and I've been saying since before Trump even pulled her in, she is the wrong person to put on the court. She is a feminist liberal with a hyphenated last name who happens to be Catholic and pro-life, and why the hell Trump ever put her on is beside. I mean, I don't get it. Beyond me is what I was trying to say.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, I'm not a big fan of Amy, but we'll definitely see what is happening and I think that there will be.
Speaker 2:The only way they're going to be able to get her on board with a more conservative program is to tie in abortion into it for every case.
Speaker 1:Well, that doesn't work, but okay.
Speaker 2:Well, does a fetus have a birthright?
Speaker 1:Birthright citizenship Right now, you know, I don't know that you could tie that into this case.
Speaker 2:But okay, you gotta get creative, because he's basically going to vote with the democrats for everything except abortion, which is what she's been doing well.
Speaker 1:We just need to. You know judges can be impeached. We need to use that.
Speaker 2:I don't agree with that I know they can be impeached. We need to use that. I don't agree with that. I know they can be, but I think that is a very bad precedent in the absence of actual, you know felonies Like if a judge kills somebody because they're driving drunk, that's impeachable, that's a moral standard that the judge does not possess by showing their total disregard for human life. But you know, if we just don't agree with him, I don't think we ought to be impeaching him. But what we ought to be doing is not trying to please some theoretical, weird feminist conservative middle ground. I I'm glad that the phrase liberal white women are the biggest problem of the west is starting to catch on. A lot more people are using that than just mean, because if you start looking hard, most of the problems the West have are the result of liberal white women and by definition, that's about 66% of all white women.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, we can repeal the 19th. That'd be a start. I don't think that's going to happen, but yeah.
Speaker 2:You know there was a.
Speaker 1:I would say repealing the 19th real quick, if we were to change it where, instead of universal franchisement which is what the 19th Amendment did not just give women the right to vote but actually roll it back to a decent standard, you know, having served the country in some form or another, creating basically a new class of citizen, one that can vote, one that can't. You know, that would be okay, a la Starship Troopers, yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm totally up for that. I think that would be a good way to go at the very minimum. Just have blank ballots.
Speaker 1:Yep, well, I think I liked the vex idea. You register for selective service, regardless of male or female, and you get to vote and then blank ballots. I think that would be fantastic.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I don't know if you saw the video I forwarded on from that was shot here in Austin. There was another one of these man on the street videos and the question being posed is would you give up your right to vote if it solved racism? And the reply was about 90% would happily give up their right to vote, and these are mostly women, but with a few men as well. But you know, as far as austin women are concerned, their right to vote is not worth a whole lot oh, you know, I'm okay with that yeah, I mean.
Speaker 2:That's what I mean. It's a good sign. It means that're not even going to be crying all that much when they can't vote anymore.
Speaker 1:Well, and if you don't care about having the right to vote, then cool Right, that's fine, it will. It will prevent it.
Speaker 1:If we just had something as simple as signing up for selective service as the prerequisite to voting yep, conservatives and libertarians would win every, every effing thing they just wouldn't so you know, I don't know, and I, I would even say, if a bunch of people sign up for selective service and everything, we ought to institute a draft and use the draftees for the border and our expansionist programs. Did you watch the Glenn Beck thing I sent you.
Speaker 2:I did. I watched the whole damn thing. It had about 15 minutes of good stuff, but it cost me two hours.
Speaker 1:Oh, he had more than that in there. That was good. It's funny because my arguments are catching on.
Speaker 2:Which ones.
Speaker 1:About why we're doing things and what's going to happen. I'm telling you, you dude. Stuff like that is setting the stage for our expansion, our inevitable expansion.
Speaker 2:The interesting thing that he said that I wasn't aware of is the underground secret old nuclear base we have in uh in greenland yeah, you didn't know about that, didn't know.
Speaker 1:You didn't know about us dropping the nukes on Greenland either, did you.
Speaker 2:About what.
Speaker 1:Us dropping the nukes on Greenland no.
Speaker 2:I did see a video on that, yeah, but I did not realize that we had a nuclear base in Greenland, which I guess that makes sense, because it's either that or canada. There's not many choices.
Speaker 1:so I, I think the argument is being made by a lot of people as to why, uh, we should. You know annex greenland, and I think there is gonna. I, I think that's going to be a thing and come on board. And Canada, I know a lot of Canadians and people are saying hell, no, but they're mostly the liberal Canadian provinces saying that. And Canada does have secession in its blood and does have a path for secession thanks to quebec, and you know it wouldn't take much for something like ontario to break off and say you know what we want to join the us.
Speaker 2:This would literally be the way to do. It is basically for trump to do an executive order supporting quebec's right to secede and american recognition of Quebec as an independent country immediately. That's all you have to do. That would start the dominoes rolling, because Canada would automatically self-parse itself into the we want to join the US and we want to stay British crowd.
Speaker 2:Yep, and that'd be, okay, and I think we would get the states that produce the most oil and resources and, you know, the people that have the same mindset as people who live in New York would still be British.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the only danger is what happens when Washington, Oregon and California want to join British Columbia.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I'm totally fine with that. I have no problem with that. I would love to get rid of california as a state. Then we can actually attack them. The problem is, as long as they're a state, we can't go in to fight terrorism in california. As soon as they're no longer a state, we can go fight terrorism there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the only problem is that losing access to the Pacific, but I guess if we take northern Mexico and have that part, then yeah, yeah, I think Alberta would definitely, you know, come join us. Oh yeah, alberta is very conservative, well, and lots of you know of oil and yeah, uh, they are screwed over by the other provinces totally totally their texts heavily.
Speaker 2:And I mean honestly aside um, from uh uh vancouver even, even the rest of that territory isn't all that liberal yeah, british in british columbia there if you go to little cities in british. I've been to a bunch of them out there.
Speaker 1:They're pretty darn conservative did I ever tell you about my very first international trip? Mm-hmm. So when I was a teenager, um, one of my buddies was going to Iraq and we were kind of worried about it and we wanted to go drink. So we drove across the border to Vancouver and went on a little boys trip and man, that was interesting, to say the least.
Speaker 1:So I almost got a buddy cavity searched on the way into uh, canada oh my god so I was driving and, uh, we pull up in the mount, he asks you know, hey, any drugs or anything in the car? And I had to crack the joke, because you know me, I like to joke you are a smart ass, that's for sure yeah, and imagine a teenage version of me.
Speaker 1:So my buddy kuski we call him kuski because that's the town he lived in and I said yeah, oh yeah, kuski's got an eight ball of coke up his ass, oh my god. And they took me seriously for heartbeat and uh, pulled us out of the car and everything. They separated him off and man, he, he, he was screaming that I was joking, but, as all, just he's just joking and he thought for a good while he was about to get cavity searched. Needless to say, I had to buy the beer that trip uh, yeah, so they still let you in oh yeah, they let us in.
Speaker 1:They they figured out that I'm just a smart ass uh 2004 oh, okay, well, that's. Borders were getting tighter back then yeah, yeah, this was after 9 11 yeah and uh, the drinking age was still 17 and british columbia, so that's why we were going over there.
Speaker 2:I used to drive to manitoba across the yeah, and the drinking age was still 17 in British Columbia, so that's why we were going over there. I used to drive to Manitoba across the border with nothing.
Speaker 1:I didn't check Jackson. We had to have birth certificates to get back in the US.
Speaker 2:I snuck an illegal person back and forth several times up there Like it literally made no difference. It was the worst controlled border I've ever seen. Okay, the other thing about the Canadian border is or I should say, it's actually the American side, it's the. When you cross back from Canada, you know they ask you like are you bringing back from canada? You know, you know they ask you like well, are you bringing anything from canada? Blah, blah, blah. So the the trick to not having them suspect anything is to give them something.
Speaker 2:So what I always used to do is buy some french cheese in canada and I would have it up front on the dash in a little paper bag. And when they say something you know, do you have any produce? Or anything? I'm like, no, I no produce, nothing like that. I just got this little bit of cheese, I, I guess, from unpasteurized cows in france or something, and their eyebrows would immediately jump up. And then they would like start educating me. Well, that, yes, you can't bring that in. And I would do the old oh, you got to be kidding. Oh, I didn't know that Gosh cheese not allowed. Well, what do you know? That's crazy man.
Speaker 1:Here you go.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly. So, like the bag is literally sitting right next to me ready for the handoff, they get the cheese. They give me a dirty look. It's like, well, don't buy any next time you're up here. All right, go right ahead. Meanwhile, my trunk is filled with cuban cigars yeah, which I.
Speaker 1:The first guinness I ever had that I enjoyed was in vancouver, on that trip. Nice, because it was unpasteurized, which if you haven't had unpasteurized guinness it's a totally different thing. And um, the first Cuban cigar I had was in Vancouver.
Speaker 2:Pasteurization, no matter how much they lie, always changes the flavor, even if it's flash pasteurization, yep, 100%. Now, interestingly, what does not, in my experience, change the flavor is the irradiation. So if they do more irradiation, the foods actually taste exactly the same? Yeah, but do we want to eat irradiation? So if they do more irradiation, the foods actually taste exactly the same, yeah, but do we want to eat irradiated food? Well, some people don't.
Speaker 1:I don't mind, it tastes the same you're worried about the taste mostly yeah, speaking of food, you know we spent an hour on the phone last night going through uh uh, alex jones new offering. Do we want to talk about that?
Speaker 2:We should. That's the funny thing. People think this is our one day a week of talk. No, we just don't record all the other podcasts. That's why I told Ben, let's actually record the one on Trump's first day, because we'd be talking on the phone anyway. Might as well turn the damn recorder button on and get another episode out.
Speaker 2:Yeah so yesterday Ben sends me a message. Anyway, might as well turn the damn recorder button on. Yeah, another episode out, um, yeah. So yesterday ben sends me a a message with too few words, as usual. Trying to describe it. It's like take a look at this, something's weird. I was like, okay, and it's a link to alex jones prepper website uh, to buy the new one, the alex jones store yeah, they're.
Speaker 2:Yeah what? I can't keep track. They're changing all the time anyway. So I go up there, I'm looking at it and it's like, uh, uh, 12 meals per bag bags, a hundred dollars. I'm thinking, why are they selling large bags? That doesn't make any sense. So I'd rather have regular-sized bags so that you know you don't have an open bag sitting there for several days while you're eating your meals. And as I got to reading more of the fine print, it was like, oh huh, that's weird. They're considering one portion to be 180 calories. That kind of seems like way not enough for a normal meal. A normal meal is going to be over 500 calories usually. And uh, and I was like, oh, so each bag has 12 ounces in it. How? That's not 12 meals, or a meal for 12 people, or either combination thereof. And so when ben finally uh said, yeah, I think you're seeing the same thing I am. These are crazy prices.
Speaker 1:So it's basically $1,000 for a 12-pack of these bags 10 bags, 10 bags, 10 bags 10 bags is $11.24.99.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so it's like $110 per bag. It's a 12-ounce bag.
Speaker 1:Of just meat.
Speaker 2:The picture shows a stew and then so I started saying well, let me see what others are doing. So I use Mountain House. Get no money from you know recommending them or anything, but I've been buying Mountain House for literally 25 years.
Speaker 1:But Mountain House, if you're listening, we're open to advertising.
Speaker 2:Oh, we're totally open to advertising. Yeah, we'll do ads for mountain house easily.
Speaker 1:Mountain house and guns those are the two ads we'll do exactly.
Speaker 2:But I like I was using mountain house when I used to go camping all the time. I would always buy mountain house. I would look forward to getting that mountain house stroganoff meal on a campfire. It's good stuff. They last a damn long time. They were always a lot more expensive than your typical MREs that you could buy. But you know, if you don't have a time crunch deadline, just buy. You know, like 20 bucks a month for the whole year and pretty soon you got plenty of food, dry free sweets like that. But I looked at Mountain House. Well, mountain house is like 512 calories to 600 calories per meal and um, and it weighs, uh, um, what was it? Uh, 16 ounces or 12 ounces? 12 ounces, I think. So it's the same weight bag, 12 ounces, but it's not considered a meal for 12 days. So I'm like, okay, alex Jones, something's either screwed up or they're gouging the hell out of people.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean they claim it's and I'm looking at the website right now. You know they claim that it's. This product is guaranteed for a 10-year shelf life, with up to 25, which is pretty normal for freeze-dried protein. No lab-grown meat. All-american beef high-quality product. No mRNA jabs. 100% natural da-da-da-da-da. That's fine, but this is restaurant-level prices and it's just the meat. We got to looking at the ingredients and you were the one that pointed out that there was no carbohydrates what the hell, and that's when we figured out, this is just meat it's just meat.
Speaker 2:There's not, because the picture's got carrots and all kinds of other things yeah yeah, um, I mean, the most comparable kind of thing that I can think of is beef jerky, but still, if you buy 12 ounces of beef jerky, it's $25, not $100.
Speaker 1:Yeah, right, but beef jerky doesn't have the same shelf life, so you've got to give them that, but yeah.
Speaker 2:But I wonder if you could get beef jerky with the same shelf life. So you gotta give them that, but yeah, but I wonder if you could get beef jerky with the same shelf life uh, if it was freeze-dried and vacuum-packed, sure they got doozy radiated or freeze-dried and vacuum-pack it or irradiate it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, those don't want to eat radiated food, what is commercial?
Speaker 2:It's not radiated, it's irradiated, that's what I said what if?
Speaker 1:you just buy commercial beef jerky and then just freeze, dry it and wrap it up, package it up. I mean you could, Right, yeah, or we could get someone who's already freeze-drying and stuff to just make us some yeah yeah. Anyway, it was just a crazy thing. I don't know what Alex is smoking, because that's ridiculous. Normally he has decent stuff at decent prices. Like I, I've bought supplements from him for years on some supplements.
Speaker 2:And if it was 25 bucks per bag or less? Sure, Then that would be cheap but I could see that being realistic price. Right Me too For 12 hours.
Speaker 1:You know, like I, I'm really kind of sad what's happened with some of the info war store stuff, because I used to get supplements from there all the time. Uh, some of his sleep supplements, like knockout and stuff like that, are really pretty good. Um, I've even used super male vitality, oh no, yeah, it's a, it's a. It's a pretty good supplement and you can get the same thing now from the source, which is the global healing center in houston dark groups thing, and you know he's got good supplements. But the iodine supplement x2 was fantastic and I'm glad I still have some of it because I take that daily. Um, but, uh, you know I'll have to find another source because I don't want that money going to the sandy hook families yeah, exactly, yeah, it's um, it's interesting stuff.
Speaker 2:I mean the I from having worked in the supplement business, um, uh, the the profit margins and supplements are pretty crazy high across the board um.
Speaker 2:So strategy gene well, yeah, and, but it's it's because it's halfway to normal drugs. So you're, if you want to be in that business, you have to use ingredients that can pass really high standards of quality and purity. They don't have to pass FDA approval because it's a supplement, but they do have to pass essentially the same sort of purity and quality standard testing purity and quality standard testing. And if you want to use a novel ingredient, meaning one that isn't already readily used in a bunch of other supplements, let's say you want to be first to market with a particular ingredient, and this is literally stuff I'm working on right now. It's a. It's about a five year road between testing, creating, doing more testing, patenting and finally licensing. It is not a quick process and the cost I know as well is about $5 million per ingredient.
Speaker 2:So it's not an easy business to get into. It's a factor of magnitude easier than prescription drugs because the barrier to entry for a new company there is insanely high. But it's still a much higher barrier to entry for supplement business than most other businesses you can get into.
Speaker 1:Well, never mind on the exit strategy.
Speaker 2:I've got three different ingredients that I've been working on for years now and it's just a matter of raising the capital to do it.
Speaker 1:I think our exit strategy needs to be an indoor gun range and bar.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, we have to, for sure. Well, we talked about this. If I have a lucky exit, it's definitely going to be running a class three firearms sales facility.
Speaker 1:Well, you know that, or maybe the Trump administration will actually abolish the ATF at this rate and there won't be that restriction. Wouldn't that be awesome.
Speaker 2:Dude, can you imagine? Well, there would definitely be a bump because they'd still be hard to get full autos at that point. But how cool would it be, five years down the road where you could walk into your, your Bass Pro shop and go pick up a real P90 with a correct size length barrel and correct size magazine and full auto.
Speaker 1:Well, uh, uh, screw that, I want it. Uh, you know, my first gun that I ever got was a 410 shotgun. That was my dad's first gun and it was my grandpa's first gun and my great grandpa ordered that through the sears and roebuck catalog and got it shipped to his door.
Speaker 2:That's what we need to go back to yep, yep, I agree, that's totally the case and you know it's so stupid that you have to go to a store for this anyway, because the store has you type into a computer all your information. Yep, what would you damn store for?
Speaker 1:well, you type the exact same info into the computer some stores still use paper forms, and I like that yeah all the stores I use, don't?
Speaker 2:they all use computers, and so you end up just typing all that same shit in. How is this any different than if you typed in the same form at home, took a picture of your driver's license and then added that to the upload? Boom, there you go.
Speaker 1:You're removing the human factor Gene.
Speaker 2:The human factor does nothing but tell you instructions.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, you know, this is what happened during COVID, where they changed some of the banking regulations and people got around some things creatively uh, creatively, where you know they would have an app for you to do a video chat with a uh. Teller so that you could set up a new account or do whatever you needed to do so that is so lame in person.
Speaker 2:My last account I set up completely online, didn't have to do jack shit in person. Right? That's the way it ought to be well sure, but I'm just not have to the fucking.
Speaker 1:I'm giving the bank an opportunity to hold my damn money there's zero reason for them to need to have me there in person did you see where silencer I think it's silencer shop, wasn't it? But our uh, no, palmetto state armory is going to start selling silencers, suppressors, oh nice. And they're going to ship them to your door. Perfect, but how? How is what I want to know?
Speaker 2:I think as long as you've got the form, you can ship it to your door.
Speaker 1:My understanding is that it always had to go to an FFL.
Speaker 2:I think if you have the form, well, we'll find out. I guess I don't know, maybe that's only going to be true for people in their state. You can certainly ship silencers made in Texas to people in Texas. Yeah, but find one, well, you can't find one. That's the problem. But if you could, then you should. Texas law is very clear on this.
Speaker 1:If I could buy a made-in-Texas suppressor and give the middle finger to the ATF. I 100% would.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I think that's. The problem is you still can't make a successor yourself without filing the form.
Speaker 1:You can do a Form 1.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but you have to do a Form. 1 is my point.
Speaker 1:You have to do a Form 1 and then serialize it and all that yeah. Yeah Well, I don't know. We live in interesting times. We'll see.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like I said, I'm just hoping that Trump puts out so many executive orders that it just crashes the system. They don't know what to do anymore because the president's basically decided just to run the country. Well, I don't want an all-powerful executive.
Speaker 1:We don't want a king. Screw that Trump for king. In fact, I started't want an all-powerful executive.
Speaker 2:We don't want a king. Yes, we Screw that Trump for king. In fact, I started using that as my signature. Trump is king. Get hate from both sides, Damn it.
Speaker 1:Gene, you're just a czarist, you just want to go back to the old Russia. I can feel it.
Speaker 2:You just don't understand.
Speaker 1:That's the way things ought to be no, it's not, uh um did you see that, uh, the panamanians started looking into, uh, the chinese ports and have found some fraud yep and uh, so it looks like panama may kick china out of panama and allow trump to that would be wild declare a win without having to take over the canal zone that would be hilarious.
Speaker 2:I don't know that'd be enough. I think trump wants the canal. I think he wants his legacy to be too bix.
Speaker 1:What carter done broke yeah, well, carter broke a lot, so he's got a lot to do, but we'll see. And he's not only got to fix carter's mistake but lbj's, which he's working on, and then you know, of course he's got to fix daddy bush and clinton and Reagan, and somebody had a great video that was a closeup, focusing on um W.
Speaker 2:Yeah, during the speech. Oh yeah, yeah, when he said I'm going to declassify uh um the uh Kennedy.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, yeah Well, the the the the, the, the, yeah, well, and then they are. They're not rfk, what's the guy's name? The, the two kennedy brothers, right, yeah, jfk and rfk? Okay, yeah, and then, uh, also martin, luther king, and bush has this complete oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Look at his face. And then trump moves on to the next topic and bush just slowly cracks a smile and gets a big old grin and now it's just nods his head. Yeah, because he. I think he was very afraid that he was gonna say we're gonna declassify 9-11, because you know for a fact, if that came out, bush would be in prison well, first of all, we're not done yet, but second of all, um, you got to remember daddy bush.
Speaker 1:Uh, you know george h oh yeah, yeah, he was the only man from that generation who couldn't remember where he was when kennedy was assassinated, and he was in dallas in that time period so the guy is sitting in the bush in dallas. Can't remember where he was dude if if you haven't read it bush family of secrets is a fucking great book.
Speaker 2:Yep, yeah, that's I remember when I first came out on no agenda show, I picked the copy up. Yeah, that then the uh was the hitman one, the um the confessions of an economic hitman that's not a good one, uh, although the second one isn't as good no, no, it's not, but yeah, I just I just watched.
Speaker 1:Watching bush's face was pretty uh telling, I think oh yeah, well, look, I I think there's going to be a lot of stuff that comes out. Trump has already talked about setting up a commission to work on declassifying stuff and he said that you know all all that and MLK assassination files is a big first step and I think Trump has probably definitely seen those files. We've seen with the atf and others reclassifying their dei personnel to other you know to try and subvert some of this. I think what trump's going to do is this is going to kind of be a litmus test. All right, you either put out the truth, what I know to be the truth, or, if you put out something different and I will eventually find out about it, I'll put it out and call you out on it. Yeah, like I can totally see him going down well and did you did.
Speaker 2:You see that? Uh, this latest, I mean the guy basically does a press conference every single day now, which is hilarious, yeah which is the exact opposite of biden. Oh, my god, yes, but on the last one from today, uh, somebody, someone, the media people asked uh, uh, why did you take protection detail off of fauci?
Speaker 2:oh, yeah, I saw that yeah, and trump's like well, you know, uh, when you work for the government, you have a government protection detail. That's pretty standard thing, depending on your position. And when you stop working for the government, you no longer work. From then the government doesn't provide you a protective detail. And then he threw in a little personal zinger. If Fauci would like to get some contacts for really good private security, I'd be happy to give them, given that I've had to use them myself.
Speaker 1:Well, he also made the comment about Fauci making enough money to afford his own security?
Speaker 2:Yeah exactly so. And then, of course, the follow up comment from a question from the media was well, don't you think it's going to be blood on your hands if he something happens to Fauci? I was like, no, no, I don't think so it's all right.
Speaker 2:Well, you've seen the meme floating around twitter where uh it's claiming that uh putin is calling for the extradition of chad fauci as a condition on uh yeah, which makes zero sense, but it's, it's funny, it just, it makes no sense I think it's just people being very hopeful, you know I will say this that if, if putin actually decided to jump into the meme game along with trump and elon musk, and then say yes, absolutely, we want that, and I'm not going to stop the war until I have fauci. There would be a huge number of people that would be supporting Putin at this point. I agree.
Speaker 1:Give him policy, he wants policy.
Speaker 2:He's helping, yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, you sent me the video of Putin being interviewed by Russian.
Speaker 2:TV. How do I always get accused of sending videos of Putin to everybody? It's like I'm not the one doing that all the time.
Speaker 1:You totally are, but anyway, um, it was interesting because he he flat out said that had the uh presidential election of 2020 not been stolen from trump, perhaps the ukraine situation wouldn't have happened.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so yeah well, and and it's absolutely true because the reason that the Ukraine situation finally happened is because of the unwillingness of the US and their representatives in Ukraine to have ongoing communications and to actually hold the previous agreements. Because you remember, that whole thing came out where angela merkel talked about how, yeah, when they agreed uh to uh with on the the, the last uh set of agreements in 2014 with russian ukraine the only reason they agreed.
Speaker 1:Let's get no longer a conspiracy theory when the former president of germany says that chancellor, yeah well, you know, I, I think germany may leave the eu dude, I, I think germany may leave the eu dude, yeah, I think the eu should leave the eu. I well, I think that there's some, there's some room here, and we've already kind of talked about, you know, uh, denmark potentially leaving the eu and joining the new north american union and things like that and well.
Speaker 2:And then I saw the. I think I forwarded to you the little quote from trump in another conference yesterday where the question came up about nato and it was a european reporter and said do you why? Why do you think it's fair to ask european countries for five percent of the gdp for nato when the united states doesn't even spend five GDP on NATO of the U? S? And? And Trump looks at him and says well, frankly, we shouldn't be spending anything on NATO because it's us protecting Europe. Why are we the ones that are supposed to be spending money and protecting Europe? They ought to be spending all the money and we're part of the alliance that ensures that they're protected. That's a good point. Why does the U? S have to spend any money on NATO?
Speaker 1:Well, I mean, it's really not spending money on NATO that we're asking people to do. It's a percentage of their GDP towards defense. Well, specifically for NATO, though Not necessarily. No, I do not believe that is the case.
Speaker 2:No, it is because there are NATO membership fees that are paid by countries and that's what pays for the NATO operations, because the whole point of NATO is to not have individual burdens on countries for operations. It's to have a unified set of financial burdens for operations. Obviously, smaller countries provide less units, but it's supposed to be a military alliance where the financial ability of a country isn't going to limit the number of friendlies that it receives.
Speaker 1:I would have to look, but I think it's just percentage GDP on their, you know, on their military. I don't think there's that it has to be towards NATO. That is just you know, hey, spend this. But either way, the point is, nato is defunct. I think everybody knows it at this point, nato is going away. I'm okay with it. Nato should have been. It should have. Nato should have been dissolved when the Soviet Union fell, I'd say within five years.
Speaker 2:I think it was legitimate for it to stick around for a little bit after that, like five years.
Speaker 1:Yeah, sure, but that or you know, when Russia talked about joining NATO to Bill Clinton, he should have jumped at the chance for Russia to do that. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yep, I think that was a waste of opportunity for sure, because that could have ensured effectively that Russia sticks to rules that the West wants yeah, agreed yeah I just looked at it would have been your your, as it is defense it's not nato specifically. Yeah, but they. But there's the. I guess the point is that nato membership trump would like nato membership to have a minimum military spending per year requirement.
Speaker 1:Yes, a 5% is what he's talking about, which you know. There are others already talking about this, you know, in the EU. So I think that it's very likely to happen that they will up spending in order to keep the US involved. Otherwise, I think, the likelihood of us saying you know what we're out of? Nato and Greenland, your hours is high. Now this may be me wishful thinking after NBC screwed me on their chyron last time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you kind of jumped the shark on that one.
Speaker 1:I did, dude. I read what it said and took it literally. Okay, that's not my fault that they are idiots, and I was excited. Okay, that would have made me really happy. So now, trump, if you're listening, you know what I want for Christmas.
Speaker 2:So there you go.
Speaker 1:Or my birthday. My birthday sooner, get out for Christmas.
Speaker 2:So there you go, or my birthday, my birthday is sooner. Get out of the UN. There you go, exactly.
Speaker 1:Middle finger to the rest of the world, baby.
Speaker 2:So, out of the 30 countries in NATO or 27, whatever it is it looked like between 2014 and 2022, only seven countries were above 2%. So about a third of NATO countries had even spent 2% of the defense. It makes sense. If you've got big old America defending you, what the hell do you need to spend any money for?
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, and we have bases effing everywhere we do.
Speaker 2:That's a pro and a con it's a con there is no pro. Oh, during a war. It's a con the rest of the time. It's arguably a con even then, I don't know, dude, there's an awful long ramp up to getting a base set up once you get on conquered territory. If the bases are already there before you conquer them, that's even better.
Speaker 1:Nah, I don't know, I disagree. I just don't want to be a warmonger. I just want us to move on with our lives and focus on the Americas.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you want to be an empire, not a warmonger. What the hell man.
Speaker 1:Exactly Through good ideas. That's what I want.
Speaker 2:Unity through strength. No wait, that was Hitler. Wait, what am I thinking of?
Speaker 1:Okay, Elon.
Speaker 2:Yeah, what's the deal with that? The media just absolutely wet themselves with happiness at seeing Elon Musk put his hand on his heart and then throw the love out to the audience. Hitler Nazi clearly a Nazi. Look at that.
Speaker 1:Well, they even went so far as to have some media outlets saying the white supremacists are really happy with him. And look what they're saying about this.
Speaker 2:And it's just insane. He's a South African, you know. You know what that means.
Speaker 1:That apartheid was a mistake. Yeah, pretty much.
Speaker 2:I mean that apartheid was a mistake. You mean apartheid wasn't a mistake. That country never ran so good during apartheid was a mistake. You mean apartheid wasn't a mistake.
Speaker 1:That country never ran so good during apartheid. Am I wrong? The big issue there isn't.
Speaker 2:So I don't think apartheid was a good thing by any stretch there, there will be one functioning power plan in the entire country next year yeah, but here's the thing the backlash and what the country did after apartheid is a problem.
Speaker 1:And you know, while I like this, the same poem nelson mandela does evictus. That doesn't make him a good guy. Nelson mandela was not a good guy and as a criminal, well, and if you, I mean he's right up there with shea right, shea govera. Same sort of mentality, a lot older. Shea died. A lot younger. Okay, cool, but you get my point there.
Speaker 2:They're both gandhi same thing totalitarian assholes.
Speaker 1:Gandhi not so much, although I'm convinced that gandhi banged mother theresa I don't think that's correct.
Speaker 2:He had some negative things to say about her over the years. Well, that's why I think he banged. Oh, that's why you think he banged? Okay, all right, come on, man.
Speaker 1:I mean if you're, if you're, if you're getting some of that you know, sweet mother theresa stuff, and then she cuts you off. You're gonna be pissed off about it well, I don't know that there's.
Speaker 2:I would abuse the word sweet ever when applying to that. But all right, um but yeah, it's it's. I think the media completely embarrassed themselves because immediately upon saying this, uh x was full of images of everybody, from aoc yep to literally every democratic president and presidential candidates like Hillary and Gavin Newsom, all giving Nazi salutes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, and you know Taylor Swift.
Speaker 2:Okay, that one I actually believe you do.
Speaker 1:I do.
Speaker 2:Really, you don't think she's announcing? No, I don't, I think she is. You clearly haven't seen her chinese language ads no, because I'm not on anything where I.
Speaker 1:Why would I see?
Speaker 2:that, yes, just blind yourself, dumb american. You'd be watching international media to see the truth about taylor swift. Okay, she is like I said before she's a horrible singer, uh, great business person yeah and no ass zero ass which is unfortunate. She's getting to the point where she's now kind of not. I mean, she was always unattractive, but she's beyond that. She's in her 30s now and still no ass, but like plenty of fat in other places.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, I don't know man. I'm not a not a Taylor Swift fan at all. I don't know man I I'm not a not a taylor swiftie fan at all. I don't like her music, I don't like.
Speaker 2:You're not a 25 year old white woman. What I I am not uh, or a same thing. Yeah, I was about to say how old is darren? Uh-huh yeah, of all the uh, the female singers to clump onto, I just don't understand why it was taylor swift for him I I will admit to liking one uh singer.
Speaker 1:The one song by a singer that uh is somewhat embarrassing by what singer miley cyrus oh, there's stuff when I leave, it's done. That's pretty good, yeah I don't like the climb.
Speaker 2:Uh is a good song I like her country stuff she's that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:The climb was one of those, yeah yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, she does a very good jolene um, the. The video of that is just her, you know, purely acoustic, and she basically grew up with Dolly Parton Like she was around the house all the time. Shocker, she's her godmother and so this is the thing is I wish she didn't go on this crazy. You know I hate my parents kind of thing that she did. You know I hate my parents kind of thing that she did and just stayed as a well-trained country singer. She's got a good voice. She's got an unusual voice, but it's a good voice. It reminds me of Cher, of her range.
Speaker 1:I wouldn't admit to liking Cher their gene, but you know.
Speaker 2:Cher's got a good voice, why wouldn't you? That has nothing to do with them as performers. I'm ranking people's voices and I've said Miley definitely does not have a good voice. It's pretty obvious. But, um, yeah, I, I mean good voice. It's pretty obvious. But um, yeah, I, I mean. Again, it's like you can. You can differentiate the performance of a person and from the person, and this is true of musicians, it's true of actors, like, for example, the series that you got me into and then stopped watching yourself. Uh, the. Um, what's it called? The? Well, the. What was it called?
Speaker 1:silo, silo, yeah, exactly what makes you think I've stopped watching it?
Speaker 2:oh, because you said you're not gonna pay for another month of uh apple I well, but I I haven't uh I haven't you forgot. I haven't changed that.
Speaker 1:Okay, so it's just I need to watch the last episode. I have not yet.
Speaker 2:I was going to talk about it.
Speaker 1:Well, I haven't. I've been watching community, like someone else asked me to Good Good. That's good which episode 20 of the first season made me laugh out loud when Pierce and screw anyone who's worried about spoilers because this is an old show when Pierce is behind what's his name, the main dude and he's acting like he's a psychic and try to look into his mind and he's like, oh gay, so much gay. Oh God, Penises, Multiple Like I laughed. I laughed hard, which again shows my infantile sense of humor.
Speaker 2:But you know it's yeah. Yeah, I think that was a very good show. The all the characters are obviously stereotypes, um, but they're like it's a very self-aware show, like they break through the fourth wall all the time and from abed literally during each episode, treating it as an episode to um. You know people commenting it's like boy, if we wanted to have a well-diversified group, we couldn't find one better than you guys.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like okay speaking of uh stereotypes, and you know one of them uh being that gay marriages don't last you. You heard the rumors about michelle and barack right?
Speaker 2:I did. I'm sorry, those guys were breaking up I know right.
Speaker 1:No, y'all were our example of a good gay marriage, don't do it.
Speaker 2:Marriages is um. Uh, I'm still god. What's her name? Uh, but the jennifer anderson gonna end I don't know. I don't know is this like her third one that she's been involved, do you?
Speaker 1:really believe that jennifer anderson is the cause of this? Oh god, yes dude, rich white women, they all want to fuck big black dick ew and you know, uh, according to the gay prostitute that supposedly slept with barack obama, he, he is not. That so that he's not a gay woman.
Speaker 2:No, that he's not a gay woman.
Speaker 1:No, that he's not a Not black Endowed oh.
Speaker 2:Well, it doesn't matter. I mean, it's the idea that the I'll tell you what I think it is. I think it's a fetishization of the manor wife sleeping with the slave is what it is and I. I have heard from a few people that thankfully, don't listen to this podcast that I know whose wives have done this and what slept with black dudes like that. That was their you know 10th or 15th anniversary gift why?
Speaker 1:why would you cuckold yourself like that?
Speaker 2:um, because the divorce is going to be in the millions of dollars. It's not worth it. Going to be in the millions of dollars, it's not worth it. But I think it's an extremely common fantasy, specifically for rich, liberal white women, like the idea that you're going to be submissive to a black man is extremely exciting to them, and I think jennifer aniston, uh, very much falls into that category.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's just very disturbing Gene.
Speaker 2:You think about it, it's the only people that are actually racist. Out there is liberal white women, because they can afford to be.
Speaker 1:I guess, Everybody else has kind of wanted to move past race and just get on with their lives and be happy but in you know, one of the things I would say is I I just wouldn't want my woman, you know, to sleep with anyone else like that.
Speaker 2:That would be a hard oh yeah, I think that's true for most people, absolutely, um, it's um. But also, I mean you've, I don't know when this trend started it was more towards your generation, certainly, than mine of this idea of like, well, what is your, what do they call it Like, what's your celebrity that you're allowed to actually sleep with?
Speaker 1:Oh, that is such a stupid thing. I would never participate in those things.
Speaker 2:But you understand, like that's been around for a while yeah.
Speaker 1:I understand For most people.
Speaker 2:It's a cute joke, right. It's like, oh yeah, I would totally sleep with this person. But when you get to a certain level of financial success or maybe your husband does, those transfer from being funny little thoughts to like okay, what do we actually do to make this happen? Like I want to sleep with my celebrity crush. How do I make it happen? And I would not be surprised if Obama was a celebrity crush, for a lot of rich white women in California was a celebrity crush for a lot of rich white women in California.
Speaker 1:Well, all I can say is prenups, gentlemen, prenups, oh absolutely.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. If you're going to go to the trouble of getting married, make sure you do the prenup.
Speaker 1:But frankly, you're better off just get the kid, uh, without marriage well, let's move to a different topic than this, because now this is depressing me. I brought it up as a joke and now we've gone down a very dark rabbit hole so I know, but you brought it up, man I brought up the joke about barry and mike right, and.
Speaker 2:But you know, jennifer's in there, she's the homebreaker, homewrecker, so does this make us think that, uh, you know, maybe michelle isn't mike.
Speaker 1:Or does this make us think that, uh, maybe barry just goes both ways?
Speaker 2:I don't know that it makes any difference. I mean, I, I, regardless of what mike or michelle is. I think that, um, uh, you know, I mean people don't necessarily stay together forever. That's just like like when is the last time you think bill actually fucked hillary, if ever? I don't know that he ever did no, I don't like, I don't think chelsea's his child so well, that's pretty obvious.
Speaker 1:She looks nothing like him yeah, she looks like uh, what uh web.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, hubbard, exactly. Um, yeah, I like there are some people just get into marriages of convenience. It's basically a financial, formal, business relationship and other people dislike the other person so much after a while that they don't even want to do that, they just want to completely. So we'll see what happens.
Speaker 1:Maybe they'll stay together, you never know I don't know, man, when, uh, uh, what's her name? Cheney is coming out and saying some of this. I think it's a pretty open secret. Uh, michelle wasn't at the inauguration, right? I noticed that and everybody you know was like oh, she's standing up to trump, or maybe her marriage is ending and they don't want to be together. So I don don't know. I could see it both ways.
Speaker 2:How is her not coming to the inauguration standing up to anything? She was never anything. She's the wife of somebody who was president.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know. I don't know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't know. I don't know either, dude, I think it's a. It's one of those things where we may be reading too much into it and we're speculating on drama, or maybe we're just behind the curve.
Speaker 1:A divorce could be the way to get her to run for president, though, too. No one's going to vote for her. I think a lot of liberal white women would.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, that's about it. And frankly, I think a lot of liberal white women is becoming a smaller demographic Because there's more Asian, more Latino and more black women than white women every year. Okay, so that's a good thing.
Speaker 1:I like racial diversity personally.
Speaker 2:I just don't see color.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Never have. Even when I was dating black chicks, I totally never saw any color okay, good for you, yeah.
Speaker 1:I'm like the ultimate anti-racist as long as it's pink, you don't care where can I put up with you?
Speaker 2:uh-huh, as long as it's pink.
Speaker 1:you don't care, miracle, I put up with you, uh-huh.
Speaker 2:Oh man, what else we got. We talked about the Trump thing. We did the two episodes last week, both to kind of test the waters and to also because we had, like I said, we were talking on the phone anyway.
Speaker 1:So we might as well start recording this stuff. Yeah Well, we're not done with the executive orders because trump is cranking them out, but some of the more consequential ones, uh a, the two gender thing is pretty good and big. And then the other one that's got the left all perplexed is saying only the us flag should fly over federal uh agencies.
Speaker 2:Yep, which is true. That's always, should have been the way the fuck.
Speaker 1:Why were we flying gay pride flags in other countries?
Speaker 2:we were flying mexican flags for a while.
Speaker 1:It's crazy I don't get it I don't get it. The deportations have started, and holy big time. Oh my god, has this started hot and heavy. They were not fucking around when they said they were going to start day one.
Speaker 2:Yep, yep, yeah, there's a video of some Haitian dude going I'm not going to Haiti. And then immediately cuts to the new head of ICE, Tom.
Speaker 1:Holden yeah yeah. And him saying yes, yes he is. Yeah, he was screaming fuck trump, joe biden forever and a whole bunch of stuff no, I I think this is good.
Speaker 2:I think that they're they're deporting people out of sanctuary cities, which is good. Um, the the whole thing. They're doing.
Speaker 1:They're doing a really good focus, because these sanctuary cities and what's hitting the news is well, they're not cooperating with us and we're. We just caught this guy and he has x number of felonies, you know, multiple arrests. He's been convicted of sex crimes. He's gone, and then're also when they're going and getting these guys finding other illegals, and they're saying, well, you know, we weren't after this person because we're going after the violent criminals first, but since we found him, he's going to.
Speaker 2:You know what was the next level for them to do?
Speaker 1:What's that?
Speaker 2:It's for the federal government to take victims of anybody who is in the country illegally and then sue the city that the crime happened in. On behalf of that person, I like it Make them pay, especially sanctuary cities.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, it's only going to be sanctuary cities, but it's essentially saying look, you are not, as a city, protecting your residents and so we are going to ensure that they are protected. So, yeah, if you have federal lawsuits against cities, you know, with, obviously, cooperation on behalf of the victims of these illegals in a country, of these illegals in a country it's going to be, they're going to start realizing this is a losing proposition for them because they're going to have to pay out huge sums of money.
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, you know, we'll see, I think you could even argue a deprivation of civil rights lawsuits on those grounds.
Speaker 1:I would like to see the arguments, but you know, I think it wouldn't just be sanctuary cities eventually, because things happen in all cities, right.
Speaker 2:Violent cities have violent crime of some form or fashion, all of them, no matter how big there would have to be circumstances where the city allowed somebody to be let out who then committed a crime afterwards.
Speaker 1:That would be the the starting point of that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the trigger, yep, yep, cause that's where the city is completely couple. But my eyes is that, you know, they're not responsible for somebody that just walks into the city and then commits a crime, but they are responsible for somebody that they let into the city and then commits a crime.
Speaker 1:But they are responsible for somebody that they let out as a policy who then commits a crime well, what do you think of uh trump sending the troops to the border and shutting down the southern?
Speaker 2:border. I think it's about time. I think, honestly, all the stuff trump's doing right now if I was going to be cynical about it, I would say, well, this is all shit he should have done in his first term.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that'd be fair.
Speaker 2:Because he kind of talked about it. He just never did it, and now he's finally doing it, which is great to see, but we wasted four years on this, basically, of not having him be in office. I'm also very happy that Trump is completely freely and openly calling the 2020 election stolen. Yeah, wow, like nope. There's no pussyfooting around here. That was clearly a stolen election.
Speaker 1:Well, and I love the way he phrased it, you know. You know, if they would have just let him, if they wouldn't have stolen the election, then we wouldn't be here, we wouldn't be doing it this way. But you know they did so.
Speaker 2:So you're saying that Putin is just repeating Trump's talking points?
Speaker 1:Pretty much yeah.
Speaker 2:Which is interesting.
Speaker 1:I think it's also interesting that Zelensky has come out and said he's open to ending the war.
Speaker 2:Zelensky's come out and said he's open to ending the war Zelensky wants to retire at this point.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think it's going to happen. It's just a matter of time. How long is it going to take before this happens?
Speaker 2:It's getting the ducks in a row and it's not going to matter what anybody from Europe thinks or wants. It's going to be basically Russia and the US deciding what they want to do here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and you know, one of the things I was thinking is there are a few things here. One I think it's interesting that people are trying to criticize Trump that, oh well, it didn't end on day one, you didn't do it on day one like you promised, ok, well, well, you know, come on if it ends in the next month. That is amazing.
Speaker 1:So there's that yeah but you know, one of the other things I was thinking on expansion, and one of the ways we could do this is go in and say you know, vlad, we've already paid ukraine a shit ton of money. They've taken this, they've done a lot of things. We're going to give you the portions of it that you want and then we're going to take the rest, because we want. We want to get our money back, so we're going to take it over you know.
Speaker 1:well, that's effectively what's going to happen anyway, yeah well, but I think that Trump is done with this backdoor politics of well, you know, and what Zahan has been saying is it's a dumb idea to take over Greenland. It's a dumb idea to do this because we effectively control it anyway. Well, that's true, but there's something about actually controlling it, and you know that. I think we're moving into a world where the us policy isn't we backdoor deal everything well, it has been for 60 fucking years, but we're going to go to something that we're going to openly do
Speaker 2:it so I I would predict that there would be certainly pushback initially from russia on this idea. However, if the if the US were to guarantee that Ukraine, regardless of who controls it, never becomes a part of NATO, that it is a demilitarized zone between Europe and Russia, and they could even spin it saying that the only country capable of guaranteeing that is the United States, because we can't trust Europe, we can't trust the UK, we can't trust Germany.
Speaker 2:They've lied to us. So the only person, the only country capable of guaranteeing that Ukraine remain weapons free is the United States.
Speaker 1:Ukraine remain weapons free, is the United States? Well, so, with the way Vlad is talking, with the way things are going, I don't know that we'll actually take Ukraine, but I can see some form of deal here, and I think your demilitarized zone idea is right up there. But one of the things that I can see is if we were to pull out of NATO, for example and the move to China is already very, very evident, right, that's where. Trump's going Big, beautiful ships, all that. China and Russia are not friends.
Speaker 2:We've talked about that many times that Moscow had as many nukes pointed at Beijing as they did Absolutely Yep.
Speaker 1:Moscow had as many nukes pointed at Beijing as they did DC Absolutely Yep. I can see Vlad and Trump getting a little buddy buddy and say you know what? Let's help G's demographic collapse go along. Let's end this threat to both of us. We don't. Neither country wants to live in a hegemony of China. You want some more of the Chinese territory that you already have a border dispute with them on. Well, let's just figure this out and make this better.
Speaker 2:We're going to go in and free china, and you know, yada, yada yada the biggest um problem for the united states and consequently for everybody else right now is that use?
Speaker 2:nukes? No, no, that's not no, it's that trump only has four years. So any long-term concessions, promises etc. From the united states are not guaranteed, because you could have another biden get in there immediately after trump and reverse 180 degrees and just throw away all the agreements. So that's the problem with having uh, having that 2020 election is that it's too recent to just say well, the united states is now taking the right course and it's going to keep going down that course. No united states could literally flip flag back and forth every four years I.
Speaker 1:I don't think that's going to happen, though, um, I think that it's a lot more of a risk now than it was, say, 10, 15 years ago.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, um, I think that there's going to be. You know, a we could put it into a treaty and then, once it's in the, it's the law of the land and has the force of the constitution behind it. And, b what we could do is really say look, yeah, we learned from that, we let them cheat, we're not going to do that again. We're going to win. We're going to do these things and that won't be as big of an issue this next time. But put it in a formal treaty on what we're doing, I, I. If I were putin, one of the things I would say is whatever the deal is for and this is the door to this whatever the deal to end the ukrainian war is, it has to be in a treaty with the us as as a co-signatory.
Speaker 2:That's what I want.
Speaker 1:That's what I would do. So in that, what you would do is you would open up, you would form a new treaty with Russia that would a most likely divide Ukraine in some form and bar the US from ever aiding Ukraine again, and maybe even a mutual defense treaty between the US and Russia as a first step in this, and get those guarantees in the treaty. And the way you would spend that to the American public and the Senate and everything else is this is going to stop the bloodshed in Ukraine. This is the price. We don't want Russia to be our enemy any longer. We don't want them fighting in other countries. So, as a result, we're going to put this in the treaty. They're not going to go after any other countries in Eastern Europe and we're going to make this strong alliance. And, by the way, fuck China.
Speaker 2:You ask, could also just literally wind down NATO? Yeah, it would scare the shit out of Europe. Yes, but they could do it. They could just do it. And you know Trump's already said that if a country is not paying 5%, then I will not send any troops to protect them.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So you know, it's arbitrary or not. He is the commander in chief and he can totally do that. But I think, well, my force of treaty is.
Speaker 1:You know, the problem with NATO is that it is a treaty.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So the for those who don't live in the United States and don't maybe understand this, treaties are actually pretty dangerous for the United States, and the reason why is one of the provisions in the well, but the US specifically, because in the Constitution, any treaty that is ratified by the Senate and signed by by the president has the full force of law, meaning it's equivalent to a constitutional amendment essentially. So every treaty that we have is, legally speaking, full force of law, like the Constitution, and the interesting thing about this is the reason why the Senate is supposed to ratify a treaty is because that was supposed to represent the states, not be directly elected. Right, this was supposed to be the states' interests and we've screwed that up so bad it's not even funny.
Speaker 1:But leaving a treaty is not easy, is the point.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Yeah, that's fair enough, but I think it's still doable.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we'll find out. Yep yeah, we'll find out. Yep, by the way, sg ammo has a thousand round cases of uh uh seller and bolt ammo um 9mm Luger, 124 grain for uh 249 bucks and if you buy two cases it's uh 239, which is pretty damn cheap with free shipping so that's not a bad price at all no, I'm about to get some more nine mil I am, yeah, yeah, I, I got some pdw's defeat.
Speaker 2:That's true, you do. There's a lot of PDW or PDW-sized weapons at SHOT Show, man. I've been watching tons and hours and hours of video from SHOT Show and it seems like every booth has introduced what is a weird-sized gun compared to history, so bigger than the pistol, smaller than a than a short rifle well, and you know that that's getting more and more common right now so the sbr idea never really was a thing for me, right?
Speaker 1:I never really liked sbrs because to me, if I'm going to go with a rifle, caliber and everything else decent barrel on, barrel on there Exactly and have the capability of that cartridge, but these PDWs and, if anyone's interested, one of the ones that I got, I got the frame for the SIG P320. I've got an M17. I sent a link to Darren but I never heard back from him. So screw Darren.
Speaker 2:It's probably, you know, pooping and pouring and things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's what he says and anyway. But it's the Strike Industries SMC Bravo chassis system and it's pretty, pretty cool. It's very modular, it's got a lot of things going for it, it's cheaper than compact.
Speaker 1:It's very compact than compact. It's very compact, and to me, what I like about this is I'm not gonna take a rifle when I travel just because it's bulky. It's a lot of crap. I can totally see taking this on trips with me as a upgrade from my pistol. And when I say upgrade from my pistol, it's like well, ben, that is just a pistol, yes, but it's got a stock on it which means I can shoot it better. So there's that.
Speaker 2:Well, and I've been sending you various videos from SHOT Show and it looks like the B&T TP9 Pro is a neat little gun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's just very expensive.
Speaker 2:About two and a half grand. I mean, what do you expect to spend on a gun these days?
Speaker 1:Less than that for something that's a pistol caliber.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but it is kind of neat in a number of things. First of all, they're using the new Glock, serialized FCU yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly. And so they're using that and basically building their own complete gun around it. And, uh, they're. As a result, they've got a, uh, a gun that is essentially runs like a glock gun, uses glock magazines, but is completely different than any Glock when it comes to the upper Yep. And they've got a you know a factory barrel with the suppressor mounts on it. Nice little flip out. I keep wanting to think of stock. It's not a stock, flip out, brace for it, but it's a very nice little gun, flip out, brace for it, but it's um, it's a very nice little gun, but they also have a freaking forward grip, which I don't understand, because that is literally on the list of things you can't have on the pistol yeah, the the forward grip is only on, is only supposed to be on the sbr version right, exactly, maybe that's what they were showing.
Speaker 2:Maybe they were showing the SBR version, yep.
Speaker 1:I believe so.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because it's like you know, I think all these laws are stupid, but it doesn't mean I'm going to ignore them. Well, at least some of them.
Speaker 1:Well, and you know, some companies like Flux and Strike Industries have gotten around that vertical grip idea by well. It's not a grip, it's a mag holder right, which I don't know.
Speaker 2:I just bought the magpul for grip, which is at the maximum angle that that you're, you know, can have it at without it being a grip, uh, which is still comfortable. It's not vertical, it's at an angle, but it's still pretty comfortable versus nothing at all I actually like the magpul angled, or do you like this? A lot of people are using the c clamp method of left hand, which I'm not a fan of well, you can't do that on a pistol, because the slide reciprocates well, but not unlike the models like the tp9 or even the one from strike that I sent you it doesn't know it's enclosed, it's
Speaker 2:enclosed, yeah, so you could do a secret on it, but I don't know. I do feel like, if I'm honest, there is definitely gun fashion, it's a thing, and everybody gets pulled into a particular product type and it becomes something that everybody's making everybody's interested in buying. And then a year or two goes by and it gets pulled that everybody's making everybody's interested in buying and then a year or two goes by and it gets pulled in a different direction. That's the new product that everybody's hot about, and I kind of feel like right now, where we are is with these types of guns.
Speaker 1:Yeah, pdws. Well, you know, I don't know. I can see it being useful as a little truck gun, that sort of thing, and I would still prefer like a CZ Scorpion or like the. Well, we just have to abolish the.
Speaker 2:ATF gene. I know you can have whatever you want.
Speaker 1:P90. I would totally have a P90. I would love a P90.
Speaker 2:Who wouldn't have a P90? Huh, it's the gun we were playing in Call of Duty 15 years ago oh yeah, well, stargate. Stargate is where I learned about the P90 yep yeah, I remember such a cool gun. I remember the first time I shot that gun I was just like, oh my god, it's real, this is so fucking cool. I've never shot one. I think we've got one at the range here, the one that I go to. You can rent it. They've got a whole bunch of full autos.
Speaker 1:Oh, my goodness, attorney General Andrew Bailey. Who's that? I don't know when is he Attorney General of, but he just posted on twitter we're demanding 25 billion in penalties for the harm the chinese, that china caused to america during the covid 19 crisis. If they don't pay up, we'll start seizing chinese assets like farmland instead. Oh, holy shit, I'm just fighting words uh, yeah, wow, yeah, interesting.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, it'll get tangled up in court, obviously, but yeah, that's uh fascinating he's the missouri general.
Speaker 1:By the way, missouri, that's a good state, yeah. And this is his official account. So yeah, that's uh, that's one way to do it, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Make him financially culpable for it, and I don't see I mean Fauci may be excluded from prison sentences, but he sure as hell isn't from financial burdens.
Speaker 1:Well, I'll tell you this much, man If states actually start going after China and seizing their assets in the state if Missouri does that, other states will follow oh, absolutely.
Speaker 2:Absolutely yeah. I think that China is obviously going to appeal that Supreme Court right away, saying that an individual state has no right to do that.
Speaker 1:Sure they do. They control the land inside their state. A state can fine, you know. Whoever? I don't know, it would be very interesting to see.
Speaker 2:I don't know man, I think the only way states at present can get property is through eminent domain.
Speaker 1:Well. But if they are well, it depends on the argument. So the company or entity that owns the land isn't going to be the CCP. So they're going to argue that, oh well, we're not the ones that you want. Why?
Speaker 2:are you taking this from us? It just says CCP on the land lease.
Speaker 1:Unfortunately not no want. Why are you taking this from us, geez?
Speaker 2:it just says ccp on the land lease. Unfortunately not no, no, but uh-huh. Anyway, we'll see it's. Yeah, I mean, I just thought that popped up and I thought that was something we should talk about. Uh, we got new year coming up, so it's gonna be a fun time. You know, china shuts down for a month yeah, which is okay by me um yeah, there's usually all kinds of chinese new year sales going on, so I'm looking forward to that yeah, did you uh?
Speaker 1:did you watch demolition ranch uh testing of uh the timu armor?
Speaker 2:I got the uh, I got got the notification. I have not watched. Did you watch it? Yeah it, it's pretty good is it all shit or not?
Speaker 1:I mean it's some of it was stopping some stuff now. The back face deformation was a little egregious on some of them, but it was worth watching. It was interesting.
Speaker 2:I just kind of feel like for something that I don't care what it is, but if it's meant to protect your life, like even a motorcycle helmet like I, would have no problem buying a Japanese one. I would not want to buy a Chinese one. Okay, just saying there's something about reputation of Chinese products that makes me not want to use them for lifesaving.
Speaker 1:Yeah, China does not have good quality control for one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I don't know, I mean it's, but like we were talking yesterday, in fact, I would have no problem buying a Chinese flash freezer If I was going to go down that road.
Speaker 1:Okay, I just I would rather buy American. I'd rather us build out the industrial base here.
Speaker 2:You're basically saying don't use any flash freezers for the next 20 years, until they're made here.
Speaker 1:Oh, they're US made ones. I doubt it. Jones was selling one of them. There was that one that was going around like crazy. It was made in Utah.
Speaker 2:Was it a flash freezer?
Speaker 1:I'm sorry. A freeze dryer? Yeah, which is what I thought you were talking about.
Speaker 2:No, I'm talking about the flash freezers, because you were all poo-pooing freeze dryers saying they suck, so I was like okay, what about flash freezers, commercial ones?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:Well, we'll see. We'll see what the build-out ends up being and how fast we do it. It's interesting, though, because you have people like Zahan coming out and calling for the re-industrialization of america.
Speaker 2:So it's interesting. Zayhan has definitely been jumping tracks. He very much still works for the same people as far as I'm concerned, but uh, he's jumping tracks, holy shit. Yeah, so I ben, what did you just look at? Uh, a whiskey that you apparently have not only that, I promise to bring it next time I'm coming to your place yeah, and I I don't know that I want you to.
Speaker 1:I'm looking at a 2800 bottle of whiskey, which is just stupid and insane.
Speaker 2:You're saying you're not worth it.
Speaker 1:I'm saying I would sell it and buy a gun. Well, but there's there's different years. That's cheaper.
Speaker 2:There are other years. This is the one that I liked out of all the years.
Speaker 1:The 1992 is only $800.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, but it doesn't taste as good, but jesus christ dude why, why, why, yeah, why do I have to have the taste? That requires expensive things? That's my question. I always ask that of myself, but why do you have like?
Speaker 1:why haven't you just turned around and sold that?
Speaker 2:Because I like the way it tastes. You don't drink anymore, gene, but I might one day I don't know.
Speaker 1:Jesus Christ Okay.
Speaker 2:I have three wine fridges, uh-huh, and this is definitely the most expensive thing that I have which is not even a fridge, incidentally, because you don't have to do that with whiskey but but the stuff that is in wine fridges is just a little bit cheaper than that. So that's the real question that I have, because eventually, if I don't drink it, it will go bad, so I need to either drink it, sell it or find somebody to give it to.
Speaker 1:I, I it, sell it. Or find somebody to give it to I, I would sell it. But that's me. But you know, if you want to give me your whiskey and stuff, I'll take it I guess, especially your three thousand dollar bottle. I've got a buddy of mine who he collects whiskey, yeah, and I I need to ask him if he's ever had that.
Speaker 2:I doubt it. Very few people have. It's a very limited. They make very few bottles.
Speaker 1:This guy his whiskey collection is worth more than his house dude. Okay, Well, maybe maybe, so I would not be shocked to ask him see if he's tried it and what he thinks.
Speaker 2:But but it's, at one point I had a case of these I don't anymore, obviously, but I used to have a case of these that that would have been probably worth selling. But but then I think about that and I think about my spaceships and I'm like, eh, okay, yeah, I would, I, I, why?
Speaker 1:why? I just don't understand how much was it when you bought it?
Speaker 2:It was nowhere near that much, Uh so when I bought a case it was about 360 a bottle, that's still pretty high All of those. Yeah, yeah, that's insane man yeah, well, I mean, yes, it's insane, but there are people that buy bottles at the price that you're looking at too, so yes, people with more money than cents yeah, well, definitely plenty of money.
Speaker 2:That's the thing. Back when I used to do a different kind of work than I currently do, I used to be around a lot more people that really didn't bother looking at prices for anything, and so going to a restaurant and having a $6,000 bill for four people was not that unusual.
Speaker 1:I don't care how rich I got, I couldn't do that. But that's just not in me.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I get it, but also you get used to it if you say so it's. I mean, like you, the hard part usually is getting unused to it. Right it's? It's like they're getting used to it, yeah yeah it's not natural, but you eventually do it a few times. You're like man, this tastes really good. I'm just going to keep buying this, like no longer doing it anymore, because it's fucking expensive and you can't afford it. That's, that's the hard part?
Speaker 1:I don't know. Oh, my goodness, yeah, so my buddy replied already.
Speaker 2:OK.
Speaker 1:He said yes, I got a sample from England England bar, uh, from my England bartenders.
Speaker 2:Nice Okay.
Speaker 1:So he said so he liked it. Uh, hold on. Yes, we're doing a podcast while texting in real time. How many?
Speaker 2:bottles do you have? I think I maybe have two left. I've got one of the club and I got to at home he said uh, you can get it for.
Speaker 1:Uh, it's great, but you could do better at that uh than that uh for the price so well, if you know somebody selling that particular year, then I'd love to find out where uh no, I think he's saying you can get a better whiskey at that price better whiskey, oh okay, yeah, well, it's I.
Speaker 2:I can't disagree with that, because it's certainly not like 99 rated in whiskey aficionado, but it just happened to be my favorite tasting whiskey. It's not that it's the best whiskey, it's the one that I enjoy drinking the most okay well, there you go.
Speaker 1:Well anyway, he says he has a uh sample, uh, another sample of it uh at home and he'll take a picture when he gets home nice, yeah, well, good, so a real whiskey guy, yeah oh yeah, where's he live, uh, illinois, oh wow really up there with darren yeah, he did in champaign, uh, yeah wow, that's not even all that far from darren at all yeah, so would you come out if we did?
Speaker 2:a uh uh a steak dinner in illinois. Would he come out for that?
Speaker 1:oh, absolutely, ed and I talked not too long ago. We had barbecue together when he was here in town. He does some stuff with A&M. He comes down. Oh, okay, good deal.
Speaker 2:I'm trying to think what else did we talk about that's worth mentioning? Um, uh, talked about that. Talked about that. Oh, uh, pizza, hey, segue with God damn it, pete. Yes, uh, did he get confirmed yet, or not?
Speaker 1:He got the first vote. I don't know I haven't seen if he got the other one. We can look that up.
Speaker 2:Okay, I don't need either, but I know he was one of the first guys that was supposed to get through, and then the other one I don't know if I want to say worried, but the one I'm looking, I'm hoping he's going to get through, is, um, the indian dude. Well, uh, so yeah, cash patel.
Speaker 1:Uh, so vote will likely be tight on thursday. Uh, there will. He's supposed to get the vote today, but it looks like it hasn't happened yet.
Speaker 2:Hmm, okay, well, hopefully he gets through.
Speaker 1:Yep. Yeah, kash Patel for the FBI would be fantastic, yep. Well, we still haven't heard who's going to run the ATF, though.
Speaker 2:No, no. Well, it's obviously noton, because he hasn't been talking about it I.
Speaker 1:I don't know, maybe he's just waiting to get some of these people through and then, herrera, you're in yeah I think it'd be.
Speaker 2:It'd be so fucking funny. But I don't know, man.
Speaker 1:I, at the very least, I'm hopeful that trump sorry, not trump that musk with doge just got the hell out of them, if nothing else well, that's one executive order that we haven't talked about is the uh, no more work from home, they gotta be in person, and that that there's gonna be a lot of attrition just from that.
Speaker 2:Oh, absolutely yeah people like their remote work. There was a TikTok of a very woke looking chick that was a government worker saying that all these new policies coming in are actually making people not work at all. Policies coming in are actually making people not work at all because they're just constantly talking about what's going to happen to them and all the policies and they're just like yapping instead of working. And so she thinks that this is just trump shot himself in the foot because he's basically stopped everybody who's a government employee from actually working because they're too busy looking at all this crazy shit he's doing I and I'm like that's the point I love self-identified ex-employees well, and this is great they point themselves out to musks and say please fire me well, but it's not just that.
Speaker 1:I mean, it's, it's the. You watch Parks and Rec, right? Yeah, that's a good show. What was the curmudgeon's name? I can't remember.
Speaker 2:Oh Ron.
Speaker 1:Ralph Ron. You know one of his famous lines. Am I interrupting? Anything important, impossible. I work for the government right. Being inefficient is not a bad thing for government employees.
Speaker 2:Don't work.
Speaker 1:Don't do anything, it's fine, we don't need you.
Speaker 2:Yep, we're better off without you that's totally true that was absolutely right and ron's whole thing about like well you're. If you're a libertarian, why do you work for the government? It's like well, because my job is to ensure that the government does the least possible work yeah, because I want to.
Speaker 1:you know, uh, destroy it from within, uh so I mean it was a fun character.
Speaker 2:They kind of let the whole libertarian thing slide after a couple of seasons, but um, initially, that was certainly the character they were trying to create Eventually, he became the saxophone playing. Uh yeah, you know secret life guy Well, we'll see, 'll see.
Speaker 1:We'll see if community can rise to the parts of the wreck oh, we haven't talked about Iran how they're screwed. What about?
Speaker 2:it. They had three assassinations in their top leadership yeah, and they're likely.
Speaker 1:The odds of Iran collapsing are pretty high in a lot of ways.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I think an Iranian collapse would probably be the highest opportunity for an actual democratic Iran to emerge, because I think a lot of people there are not happy. I've always been a fan of Iranian food, so I have a soft spot for Iranian people or the Persians.
Speaker 1:I like their food. I've got friends who are, uh, christian iranians that fled. So trump the trump white house posted something that I think is kind of interesting and he you know most presidents talk about their first hundred days in office, right and everything else and uh, they're saying president trump achieves more in 100 hours than any president in 100 days 300 plus executive actions taken 1.1 trillion. Invested in the us border, closing uh crossings, plummeted illegal migrant rapists, gang members and even suspected uh terrorists arrested. Common sense is restored.
Speaker 2:Well, that's actually a good point, too, is that? I only got the headline, so I don't know any of the details, but it seemed like the crown prince of Saudi Arabia just has committed $600 billion with a B to something.
Speaker 1:What was that something?
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, that's so vague. It's like, yeah, no, he just committed the $600 billion to invest in America. But what does invest in America actually?
Speaker 1:mean, oh, as long as we get the money, who cares? Well, but who gets the money, as long as it makes it into the economy, I don't care.
Speaker 2:Well, I do kind of care about who gets the money, but you know and it's just one of those very vague statements that you don't really understand what the hell? Um, what does this actually mean? It's, it's, it's very similar to the. We've just approved another $100 billion for Ukraine. Okay, well, what does that mean, though?
Speaker 1:Yeah, who's getting it? What is it?
Speaker 2:It shows the details, so yeah.
Speaker 1:It's been an exciting week.
Speaker 2:That's for sure it. It has been extremely exciting week, and I think uh did you hear the thing from mexico too, where uh there are now people demonstrating in mexico against providing benefits to the people. That are expert that are kicked out of America. Going back to Mexico, they're saying wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. They left and you know they made their choice. We don't need to put them effectively on welfare when they come back.
Speaker 1:Well. I mean there's a point to that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I agree. I mean I don't know how big the middle class in Mexico is, but I got to expect's a point to that. Yeah.
Speaker 1:I agree.
Speaker 1:I mean, I don't know how big the middle class in Mexico is, but I got to expect they're not very happy, not very. I think it's interesting to see where we're going, what we're doing. I am very optimistic. I'm a little nervous. I'm a little nervous. You know executive action, you know executive orders. Things like that, to me, are not a great way to do this, but in the end I kind of get it so, especially with everything that's going on. So I haven't seen any executive orders that scream out to me that something bad is going on. But we've got to stay vigilant. You know, we can't assume that Trump's going to get everything right, that's for sure. So but I will say this One thing that the man has proven in this first hundred hours, or whatever is he learns quickly.
Speaker 2:Yep, well, finally, he didn't used to. What do you mean? Made a lot of mistakes, a lot of mistakes.
Speaker 1:Oh, you're talking about the first term, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, he's had four years to think about it. Exactly I is. To me, you know, the closest analogy to what trump is acting like right now is steve jobs, when he came back to apple. Okay, so I've talked about this. Actually, I think I even have it in as a lesson in one of my books. Is that, uh, steve jobs admitted that he had to be kicked out of apple because he was starting to, you know, just do things and believe his own shit doesn't stink. And by being kicked out of apple, fired from the company he started and then being forced to start another company from scratch now grant with plenty of money, but still um it it revitalized him, it made him learn quite a few lessons and when he came back to apple he was absolutely unstoppable. And I think in a lot of ways I'm seeing a parallel here with trump is that his first term he came to drain the swamp and the swamp won yeah and his second term.
Speaker 2:It's less about platitudes and more about action, which is exactly what needs to happen. So I'm happy it's happening. I would have preferred that it happened on the first term, but at least happening on the second term. And so he is. He came into his first term completely not a politician, with zero political experience yeah and now he came into a second term having had really eight years, but at the minimum four years, political experience, and he is using that knowledge. He's taking advantage of that knowledge and getting shit done, which is very good.
Speaker 1:Well, and so far his appointments have been fantastic. His selection of Vance I wasn't on the Vance bandwagon for a long time.
Speaker 2:I remember that you were poo-pooing him.
Speaker 1:I'm pretty pleased with how Vance has progressed. I like Vance at this point. I think Vance is doing good. I think his appointments even little Marco are pretty spot on, because a I think Marco will be a secretary of state Okay, cool. Whatever he's out of Florida, that means that Florida can have an appointment in the special election and so on, and so forth and go through that and get a decent senator. I just hope he doesn't keep Marco around for very long, that's all.
Speaker 2:Well, speaking of special election, I'm glad I finally saw a clip of him from two days ago where asked about is he at all considering appointments during recess? And he said, yeah, if they want to stall, they want to appoint people that I'm putting in here, then I'm not going to wait, I'm just going to do it myself. So people have been theorizing that's what he would do, but this is the first I've heard of him actually saying that's what he would do, but this is the first I've heard of him actually saying that's what he's going to do.
Speaker 1:Well, I think that he can even force a recess if need be. So as long as the Speaker of the House is cooperating, he can force the Senate into a recess. And if he forces the Senate into a recess, then he can appoint people, and I would be fine with Congress not passing shit for a while.
Speaker 2:so so he should just reset or reset the recess the the House and Senate and just run executive orders for four years no, but you know at least get some shit done. Trump is king, jesus Christ. Hey, don't you be bringing no religion into this. I'm talking politics.
Speaker 1:Oh well, all I can say is dude, it's been a wild ride and it's going to continue to be. I think he is going to break the record on number of executive orders. So we'll see.
Speaker 2:I think the rate he's going, he absolutely is yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Well, again.
Speaker 2:It's like you've got multiple ways to do stuff. Historically, everyone's tended to do them one way, and then people have coached him the first term that. Well, you know, we have our sort of standard decorum processes for everything and we want to run everything up the flagpole and have the minority leader the majority of whoever happens to be at the time kind of bring it through and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I think what he learned this time is like fuck all these guys and their bureaucracy, I'm just going to do shit and if somebody wants to oppose me, it's basically going to be things that are brought up before the Supreme Court.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Well, you know, certainly could go that way. We will see yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm very pleasantly slightly surprised. Not greatly surprised, but I'm definitely pleasantly slightly surprised. So when we talk, next, I will be talking to you on hardwired ethernet when this is all said and done.
Speaker 1:Are we not on hardwired ethernet? No?
Speaker 2:we're on wi-fi right now.
Speaker 1:Oh, we are okay, yeah but I'm pulling, uh, pulling some cable uh here this weekend and okay, um, you know I already upgraded my switch. So I've got 2.2.5 gig switch and everything, and then I've got a 2.5 gig switch and everything, and then I've got a 10 gig link on my switch to my firewall. I want to be able to take advantage of those two 1 gig connections I've got there you go.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because that's real important when recording a podcast hey.
Speaker 1:I don't want any jitter, okay no, it's just, I actually need it for my moto more than anything. Uh, I, I had a one of my access points old access points over here as a bridge to my moto so I could control it, but uh, with the updates that's not working as well. So I'm I'm moving stuff around, changing things around anyway with my network.
Speaker 2:So yeah, have you seen the mic that I told you to buy? I? I assume you didn't buy it, but have you at least looked at it?
Speaker 1:what mic so you haven't looked at it. When did you tell me to do this? Three days ago, four days ago, after last weekend okay, you send me a lot of shit. I click on most no more than 100 messages a day, dude oh, yes, and a lot of it, this stuff that I sent you, and I have to remind you I sent you that. I don't believe that's the case. But I'm back at wednesday.
Speaker 2:Still don't see it, still don't see it you want to resend it so I don't have to doom scroll through everything, but no, I'll tell you what it is all right.
Speaker 1:Now I'm in tuesday.
Speaker 2:I still don't see it I started looking at uh, it might have been a twitter message with instructions to buy this thing oh, I don't if you.
Speaker 1:If you did on Twitter, I definitely didn't see it.
Speaker 2:Really, you don't look at messages for me on Twitter, you bastard.
Speaker 1:You don't send. Was it an at or was?
Speaker 2:it a DM, it would have been an at. I don't do DMs, I just look at ats. Anyway, what I'm trying to spit out here is this is the uh, one of the mics that has a built-in dsp from um, what's that australian company from uh, road, yeah, road, yeah, yeah. So they have two models. They have a smaller size, portable model. It's also a little cheaper, and then they have one that's about the size of our re320s as well, and so this is basically a mic with a built-in, you know, motu like functionality inside of it.
Speaker 2:Okay, obviously it's not equivalent to a full-on motu, but it has a dsp that has a compressor, a limiter, a gate, which is the main thing that I've always told people make sure you're running a mic with a gate if you want to sound good and also it has the thing that Darren cheats with the big bottom I used to have, which is the Big Bottom and an Aural Exciter, and so those are built into that mic. All right, I do not see any of that. I'm frankly tempted to buy one of these things, even though I have way too many mics right now.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Just to have the Big Bottom and Aural Exciter.
Speaker 1:What's the model?
Speaker 2:It's an X model, it's a I want to say it's about 250. Let me look there Amazon road X, it's a XDM 100. And then XCM 50. It's a XDM100 and an XCM50. Okay, so it's actually under $200. Now Looks like it's cheaper than I thought it was.
Speaker 1:And this is a USB mic. Yeah, it's a USB.
Speaker 2:It's USB-C.
Speaker 1:Which model is it Because?
Speaker 2:I'm not seeing it on their website. There's two models. They're they're both road x series. It's a xcm-50 or an xdm-100 okay, well, send me a link.
Speaker 1:I'll take a look at it because it might be a good travel mic that's.
Speaker 2:That's kind of where I was thinking, and if it, and if you like it as a travel mic, I may even upgrade it fully. Uh, on my end here as well, for normal reasons but why would you do that? Because the device that I had doing the big bottom was a thousand dollars previously yeah, but you've got the motu and doesn't do big bottom.
Speaker 1:You don't need the big bottom.
Speaker 2:I may need the big bottom. What are you saying? I don't need the big bottom? Yeah, I know you like the big tits, but uh I do uh-huh all right, does that link work? That seems like a really long link it that link does work yes 149 bucks.
Speaker 1:I just got some weird notification.
Speaker 2:Which is not a cheap travel mic, I will say that. But it does have the DSP in there.
Speaker 1:It's about what I spent on the other one, though. Oh really no. It's got a better form factor and stand. I think the other one was $100 and something bucks.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, this one does come with a stand as well as a USB-C cable.
Speaker 1:Cool.
Speaker 2:So, anyway, I wanted to mention that.
Speaker 1:And I just want to say thank you to everyone who's supporting us. We are going to do a mid-roll starting now that Gene's put together, just to remind you to please share, but yeah, yeah yeah, it's actually kind of cute.
Speaker 2:I like the mid-roll. I think it sounds good. I will preemptively apologize for a little bit of dinging bell sound right before the mid-roll. I've been trying to get that turned off at the hosting company and they can't do it. So it's been added to a feature request and hopefully it'll be done soon. But let us know if it's too annoying guys. I mean I can hear it, but I'm also probably listening more closely because it's my damn show, um, but if everyone's annoyed by it, then I'll just do an alternative method for doing a mid-roll.
Speaker 2:But I feel like the goal is not to lose listeners over yeah, exactly, the goal is not to lose listeners, to get more listeners. So it's just a friendly reminder to you all to spread the word about the show. And it sounds pretty good, right Ben?
Speaker 1:Yeah, it sounds good. I think our show sounds good, I think more people should listen to our show.
Speaker 2:I agree. I listen to our show usually two, three times. I don't know why you don't.
Speaker 1:You're the reason why those download numbers went up, aren't you probably? All right, guys, we'll see you next week.